A guy who likes guys, or a girl who likes girls. There's nothing wrong with it, unfortunately some people assume that because homosexuals are different, they are bad and/or wrong. Many men fear them because they represent a small part of themselves. Women usually don't mind them.
He knew his childhood friend was a homosexual, so he had to insult him to keep his hetero friends off his back, even though he was secretly attracted to him.
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One attracted to those of the same sex.
Homosexuals are gay.
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Somone who is into the same sex. Homosexuals are not bad by the way. They are human beings. My best friend is a homosexual male, and very hot. If he wasn't gay I'd date him, because he's not like some of these crazy straight boys around here!
Dan likes Shane so this makes him homosexual, have a nice day.
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A homosexual person is only attracted sexually/romantically of a being of the same gender. Myself, in fact. :) Despite contrary beleif, homosexual's are not beings of perversion & abnormalcy. & homophobes can go fucking swim in shark infested water & stick a red double-dong 17-inch dildo up their ass. Now, I must get on a rant! :D HOW GREAT. Dear Homophobic cocksuckers: How can you tell someone not to love the person they love? How can you look at that as something wrong? It's fucking love. You're allowed to love, aren't you? Why shouldnt other people be allowed the same priveledge? What makes you so fucking special? What makes you so superior? How is there happiness going to ruin your life? What are you so afraid of that makes you interfere with their lives? With OUR lives. Yes, that's right, OUR lives. Bisexuals, Gay's, Lesbians, Transsexual's. You bitch and moan and complain saying you hate sexist men but look who's talking. Sexist men...homophobe's you're all the same. You're telling people they should be denied their rights because of who they are. Women fought to vote, to work, to take part in the government & to be treated equally. Well we're fighting too for the same things & To be able to be with the ones who we love, To marry who we love. How would you feel if you fell in love and you were told you couldn't be with who you love, hmm? How would you feel if your feelings for someone were so strong... but you had to hide it everyday. Hiding your true feelings 'cause people shun "your type". People shun your love. You're told those feelings aren't allowed, aren't fucking normal. Even though you feel so amazing, You wanna tell everyone how happy you are. You dont have half the courage they have. You live your life just fine. (I know heterosexual couples also have problems but so do fucking we.) Think of what they go through. How exactly would you feel if you loved someone & got the crap beaten out of you everyday just for that. How would you feel? If everyday you were insulted. Deprived your privelages just for loving. Wouldn't be too happy now. I didnt think so... They're not in your way. We're not in your way. Mind your own fucking business & worry about your own goddamn life you fucking mindless halfwits. END RANT. :D
Homosexual: Is an example REALLY needed?
Brittany has a crush on Nancy.
Anthony has thoughts of sticking his cock in Robert's ass.
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Someone who is attracted to the same sex and does not like the opposite sex.
Sissy is quite the homosexual, she likes women.
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Someone who is attracted to the same gender romantically or sexually.
This is a group that is ridiculed quite often, and I will list a few reasons why, and prove that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. However, I will also refrain from insulting other orientations or religions.
1- The bible
Many people believe that they should hate homosexuals because the bible says it is wrong. I believe this is a misinterpretation. However, for those of you who don't, I still have reasons for you to stop the hate. For one thing, Homosexuality as a sin is equal to masturbation. They are both acts of acquiring sexual pleasure without the purpose of reproduction. I believe nearly everyone has masturbated before, no matter what their sexual orientation or religion. If you are catholic, you might argue that you go to confession after masturbation, so it's all okay. Well what about all of the non-catholics who masterbate? Are you going to hate them just because they did it without going to confession? I doubt it. And what do you think god would dislike the most? It is one thing to commit a sin, but to hate an entire group of people for it is far worse. Whether you think homosexuality is moral or not, I believe that god would appreciate it most if everyone could learn to coexist anyway.
2- "It's not natural!"
This is one reason that I understand the least. I'm definitely sure that my sexuality was something I was born with, therefore making it natural. You could say the same thing about someone with dark skin or slanted eyes, but it actually is natural, whether you would prefer it to be or not. However, many of you do not buy this and think it's an excuse or a cover-up. Just think about this... Why would a person pretend to be something that is so socially unacceptable? Are we doing it as a cry for attention? Maybe you should get to know an individual who is gay. Examine their common personality traits. You can tell from getting to know someone whether they are the type who is desperate for attention or not. If the person doesn't seem to be after all the attention, they might in fact, be gay or lesbian. Sure, many gays and lesbians seem to be a bit wild or harsh, but this isn't how everyone in the GLBT community is, and this is just a stereotype anyway. Besides any of this, is it really neccessary to hate someone for something they engage in privately? Whether it disgusts you or not, it isn't impossible to be friends with someone just because they are of a different sexuality.
Many people seem to think that aids is a way of punishing homosexuals. They also think that homosexuals are the ones primarily spreading HIV. This doesn't make sense, considering the origin of HIV, and the groups who are affected by it. AIDS was proven to be spread by apes, not homosexuals. Not only that, but many straight people have caught HIV, too. The largest amount of people who have AIDS are people in Africa. I am obviously not referring to homosexuals in africa. It is a disease that is affecting much of Africa's population today. How often do you hear about an AIDS outbreak in San Fransisco? I honestly don't think I ever have, other than from rumors started in the 80's before we new enough about the virus to make a valid decision on it's origin.
4- Other differences between gay and straight people
Homosexuals are commonly associated with odd behavior such as walking oddly or talking with a lisp. If you really think about it, isn't it a bit shallow to hate someone just because they act or look a little different? Other than that, we are only talking about a fraction of the gay community when we talk about behavior, speech, and appearance. While some gay men like to keep a more feminine appearance, others like to appear more masculine. While some lesbians look less feminine, many of them can be very girly. There are a lot of people who you would never expect them to be a homosexual unless they told you.
Male#1: I'm a homosexual.
Male#2: Me too!
Male#1: Wanna go out sometime?
Male#2: sure!
*hug and cute kiss on the cheek*
Homophobe: Eww, that's not natural! God doesn't like it, and you're going to spread HIV! You are TOTALLY different from straight people like me.
Male#1: I'm sorry that you can't accept me for who I am. However, I think you should look up "homosexuality" on urban dictionary and read more about it before you judge us.
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