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A hybrid is a creature of a sort that is a combination of 2 or more different creatures, the outcome will gain the abilities or some of the abilities of the other creatures. A hybrid is usually created through genetic altering and other sciences

A creature's base DNA being a Human but its genetics got combined with a chameleon and a fish and a spider, he will be able to camouflage himself and breathe underwater and climb walls.
That is a hybrid
A Humanoid Hybrid

by CB The Hybrid July 9, 2015

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A mixture of many different social groups. These can be often mixted between the more common sub-cultures such as goth, emo and mosher or between chavs, townies, seen kids and pikeys. The chav end tend not to mix in culture with gothic end due to intellectual differences (ie, chavs being dumber of course).

That gang of moshery- goths (hybrid mix of mosher and goth) patrolled the corn exchange

by Jamesellis September 16, 2007

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Failing musician

man that band is a total hybrid!

by haterfosho November 29, 2010

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A mixture between one's penis.

A Hybrid is a mixture between your penis!

by ImSilly May 22, 2011

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Someone who gets more clean up kills then anyone in the history of cs.

by Anonymous January 26, 2003

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A term coined in the MMORPG runescape for Player Killing with multiple attack styles (mage/mellee or mage/range).Also a pure world of hybriding excists with overhead prays,hugging and Jukes where many like "Staple" are at the top of their game. Many hybrids are said to have graduated from the "binu22 school of hybriding" for their skill and speed.

person A: Wow did you see that hybrid named Nibo person B: Damn he killed him in like 5 seconds Person A: he must of graduated from Binu22 school of hybriding..

by iStaple January 19, 2011

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Hybrids are produced when you cross-breed 2 different spieces.

My favorite hybrids are:

(1) I bred my cat with a rabbit, and got a cabbit.

(2) I crossed a mink with a weasel, and got some measels (wink, wink).

(3) I bred my cat with a ferret, but she just gave birth to a fat carret.

(4) But gerbsters are REAL (or are they?).

by Bat Man May 26, 2006

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