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I feel honored.

a person you should treat with much due respect when dealing with situations that could of gone sour. I feel honored.

a person you should treat with much due respect when dealing with situations that could of gone sour. I feel honored.

by Sickofmakingshitup March 21, 2010

51πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

I feel better

What you say when you are trying to hide the pain so you cover it up by saying you feel better when in reality you don’t.

Emma: I feel better
Jody: you sure
Emma’s thoughts: I don’t feel better I feel horrible
Emma: ya I’m okay

by Lowkeyyy. March 4, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

i FeEl AtTaCkEd

What a person would say after getting roasted by an idiot.

Jazzmean: Peter your so short i could step on you
Polo: Hehehehehehhheheheheheheheheheh
Peter: i FeEl AtTaCkEd

by i_wrote_this_so_ya February 19, 2019

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

i feel sorry

When someone feels sorry , they feel bad about something that happened that is not necessarily their fault but it can also be used the usual way . It can be used to make fun of someone or take pity on them .

"My mum is in the hospital right now"

"Oooh I feel sorry for you"

by Uta_otakunoodle:3 June 18, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I feel ya status

When one describes a situation or predicament in which the other can personally relate to or recall.

Ike: Sometimes I feel teachers give grades based on favorites!

Eric: I feel ya status! I just got an F.....

by Ike E April 20, 2011

714πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

I feel personally attacked

A (joke) response that shows you can personally relate to content that was meant to be more general.

New York Times headline: Studies show that 2020 has seen a 400% spike in men losing their entire life savings thanks to trading stocks at home.
Man sitting at home trading stocks: "I feel personally attacked."

by igotalottastuff June 20, 2020

45πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I feel like shit

Nothing actually happened you are just reflecting on your character your past and realize you've done shitty thing or shitty things have happened to you, which makes you feel empty and leaves you thinking what if

I dont know what to say when someone says "how are you?" Bc i dont wanna say i feel like shit and be asked why bc i dont have an actual reason i just do.

by Your lord and savior February 27, 2020

118πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž