A missile that is an object of indirect fire - laser-guided - and normally is carrying a big payload (lot of kaboom). Alias: Nuke.
Wow look at that ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) coming in at us!
We should probably go now.
There's no way we're running away from that!
Taking a shit on an inter-Continental flight.
FYI: Use with caution, since "ICBM "is also the acronym for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile.
Do NOT go into the restroom: that guy just dropped a nasty ICBM: Inter-Continental Bowel Movement.
Like a Tsar bomba but bigger
We should run away Timmy from the ICBM
Act of sexual deviance between two people where the man (erect) will lay flat on his back before turning a fake key and slowly raising himself from the position. From here the man will slowly begin to reach the apex of an imaginary arch where he will then rotate and then position himself above his partner before falling onto them and penetrating them with his penis. The descent portion of this exercise must be performed quickly for it to be authentic, and if the man does not achieve penetration upon contact with the woman the maneuver is now known as a “broken arrow,” and is considered a failure.
“I told that bitch I was become death destroyer of that pussy and gave her the ICBM.”
“Gabe this is it bro im calling 911.”