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short term for the german university "Fachhochschule-Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Fachbereich Informatik".

a university, well known for its crude style of bringing tech related stuff to its students.

studying there could probably harm your health.

guy: "where do you study"
brs-student: "inf-fh-brs"
guy: "oh my god, I was wondering why you are looking so old!!"

by poop April 16, 2005

13👍 4👎


something no one can define

Inf is all about you know when you are stuck or something and your whole being is trying to communicate to someone but you somehow don't know what that is............................
That is

by Iamthat-inf May 2, 2023


Hopeless case

Inf is hopeless

by Lyfz July 9, 2021


Shorthand for infinity. Can be found in programming contexts sometimes, or can sometimes just be used in casual conversations full of abbreviations.

Whether this ACTUALLY means infinity in programming or if it just denotes numbers that can't quite be computed may vary.

I guess I was putting in too big of numbers, so I just started seeing inf again.

holy shit dude did you js get inf pipe bombs in my mailbox

by an extremely depressed bandu October 3, 2023


An acronym standing for ignore the noise, focus, execute. Often used to encourage persons to not pay attention to ‘haters’ or other detractors, and to remain focused on finishing what they set out to do.

Bill: Sharon is mocking my New Year’s resolutions saying I won’t even last two weeks.

Tasha: Don’t let her get you down. Just remember to #INFE

by EgyptianBlue January 6, 2023