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Digital Immigrant

Someone who was born before the existence of digital technologies and adopted it to some extent later in life.

Once a digital immigrant, Bob later learned how to use a smart phone.

by Millard Snipplewitz September 7, 2011

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immigrant fucker

Someone that can't score with normal women.

Ted is such a immigrant fucker when he picks up migrant women from the lettuce fields.

by Tailspinmb November 28, 2013

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Canadian Immigrant

Someone from Canada who crosses the border into the States with the intent of stealing all our tech jobs and marrying our Alaskan women. The worst part is if you confront them aboot it they just say "Sorey" and give you a beer, which makes it really hard to be mad.

"Ah I see you've met Jeff... You know he's one of those Canadian Immigrants right?"
"Crap, I bet he came down here and married a nice Alaskan lady and is working for some kind of tech firm now..."

by MHorton32 January 4, 2018

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Love Immigrant

An individual who leaves his/her native country and moves to a foreign land for the primary purpose of being near, or living with, their lover, partner, spouse, fiance or significant other.

David's main motivation for moving abroad from New York to Paris was to be with his girlfriend, Jean. Regardless of whether he finds work or other reasons to stay, David is first and foremost a love immigrant.

by MeganInMunich November 19, 2006

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Baby immigrant

A person who immigrated to a new country as a baby and was raised around the culture of their country of origin thanks to parents/guardians but was raised in a different one

Person 1: Dude, she’s practically from here.

Person 2: Oh, didn’t you hear? She’s a baby immigrant. She was born there and brought here as a baby.

by Iferrari May 30, 2018

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Immigrant Smile

A immigrant who just came to America and smiles at everything.

Man look at that guy at home depot he just keeps smiling, guy must have a case of "immigrant smile".

by Presto512 September 19, 2012

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inspektor immigrant

A person who is often not actually an immigrant but is born as a second generation immigrant, this person has often the apeal of a foreigner but speaks the native language very well

This person is often a troublemaker and does a moderate amount of dum shit

"Inspektor immigrant got drunk on a weekday, lmao his parents are going to kill him"

by Tysken_raider July 9, 2018