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inglewood junior high

Suckiest junior high. Most crowded in the state of Washington, everyone thinks they are "the shit" cuz they wear lucky jeans and own juicy outfits. Myspace is a common hobby, everyone has one. Seriously, everyone. Its no longer "can i have your phone number?" its "can i give you a friend request?" everybodys failing classes because homework is cutting into myspace time.

I saw that kid on myspace, they must go to Inglewood Junior High

by SAMMIIIIII March 3, 2007

40👍 59👎

inglewood middle school

a place where all the girls plaster their faces in makeup and have sex with their friends boyfriends just to make them mad. these girls are about the fakest people you will ever meet besides a few exceptions. all the girls are hoes and smoke to much weed. the guys are all innocent and “student athletes.” inglewood is right in the middle of suburbia and is the whitest and richest place filled with spoiled bitches.

wow thoes girls from inglewood middle school like to get around

by alexa johnson March 14, 2019