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Internet Troll

Someone who is really hard to talk with, because of his/her intention to annoy others in the internet.
Usually found in large forums or mailing lists.
Best to stay away from them.

Guy one : "Facebook will be closed."
Guy two : " . . . and so will my life :("
Internet Troll : "You're a bunch of basement dwellers, go
fuck yourselves. HELL YEAH FACEBOOK WILL BE DEAD ! "
Guy one : "Mod, pls . . . "

10 Minutes later, on the Troll's screen ;)

Why you're there anyway ? :/


by Emil-sama January 12, 2011

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Internet troll

A brilliant, intelligent human being on the internet who has a stroke of madness in him. An internet troll's main prey is weaklings who overreact to everything or basically anyone who replies to them. They are the essentialities that keep the usually bland discussions on the internet filled with normies up and running with their stroke of art. Internet's ecosystem would collapse without trolls and this is recognized even by those that say things like "Trolls have no life" etc.

Stranger1: Dude internet trolls are disgusting

Stranger2: you know right homie these mongs have no life *says painfully remembering the time when his fragile

convictions were destroyed by an internet troll *

by Notatroll559 March 27, 2020

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Internet troll

People who love talking shit on the internet mainly about other people's vehicles. These trolls will talk shit all day long on the internet as long as they have a keyboard to hide behind. But you will never see these people in real life. 9 times out of 10 these trolls drive their moms Honda, lancer, Evo, or a mustang. These trolls are nothing to worry about because they never actually do anything. Typically the Facebook of an internet troll can be spotted by images that look like they were found on Google and there's never pictures of these people on their pages.

Bob: man your cars a piece of shit I'd put bus lengths on it.

Ray: is that so? Bus lengths? Alright then let's race. This Saturday at us 13 heads up N/T instant green tree

Bob: man you don't wanna do that I'll hurt your feelings. My cars so much faster.

Ray: alright then show me stop talking about it and lock it in

Bob: well you see mom needs the car this weekend so I can't..... But before the end of the year were going to race!! And imma win

Internet troll- person who talks shit but never backs up any of it

**names used are random names**

by Grudge race May 25, 2016

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Internet Trolling

The act of making a response for no other reason than to gain attention. It is commonly displayed by insecure, or narcissistic people. Even if the remark is rude, or starts an argument, the person trolling gains the social interaction that they wanted. This is displayed more in women than men.

Jack: awww what's wrong?
Suzi: blah blah blah drama drama drama
Jack: It's alright! <3
Suzi: <3

Suzi was not upset, only wanted people to acknowledge her. She is Internet Trolling.

Joe: People can be such assholes!
Paula: Is it me?
Joe: No <3

In this case Paula is internet trolling. She had no reason to think it was her, she just wanted Joe to acknowledge her.

by Professor Plumb August 7, 2011

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Internet Troll


Zen is an internet troll.

by I hate trolls cause they suck March 27, 2022

Internet Troll

Internet Trolls are jobless, unloved human beings, they try to rile up people on the internet just to gain attention thinking getting the attention from internet users will make up for the lack of attention they got during their upbringing.

That’s a Internet Troll, ignore them.

by Literate Person. June 21, 2021

internet troll

"a bitch" in the words of Daquan wiltshire

what is a internet troll let see ahhh a bitch

by Samoangod November 7, 2017

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