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I’m gonna go clog the toilet

The phrase you use when saying your off to take a piss with your mates making them believe that your going for a shit but in reality your just having a piss for comedic effect

Right I’m gonna go clog the toilet I’ll see you in like five minutes

You: Ight lad I’m gonna go clog the toilet

Other person: Mate That’s grim why are you taking a shit in school

You: don’t worry it’s only a piss and a few rolls of bog roll

by Jamalbigwiener January 9, 2024

I'm gonna go watch some food

The point where you are so tired in the middle of night that you go tell your friends. I'm gonna go watch some food. Then you should realize what you said unless your really tired. (Credit to Anthony Calderon he said it first)

Hey brb I'm gonna go watch some food. Wait. What? (laughs)

by Mr. Willis April 20, 2016