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The singular form of James.

Brenda: โ€œDo you know any James?โ€
Glenda: โ€œNo, but I know a Jame.โ€

by Bear Squad minus lame people December 21, 2020


Cant light his own ciggarettes, eats too many doughnuts, says, " this is starting to piss me off" when frustrated. Is an awesome friend but then kinda friend that you just want to curb stomp from time to time. Thats a James.

James-"lets go to dunkin doughnuts im hungry and its starting to piss me off can you light me a cigarette?!"

by Handful of manhood June 3, 2016

560๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž


Occasionally friendly and funny and hides potentially charming qualities however is largely offensive and short tempered with a tendency to spout expletives and insults at any given opportunity. A true vulgarian at times. Quick to mock others especially those he feels superior to. Unable to accept his own failings he is quick to point out others mistakes.

Harbours an unhealthy fetish with the Sasquatch

Holds himself in high esteem. His self belief is truly remarkable and modestly ranks himself as supernaturally divine with Demi God status. Personality traits lend themselves well to a successful career in property development or Big foot hunting.

James loves the Sasquatch

by WPrors March 18, 2015

1114๐Ÿ‘ 553๐Ÿ‘Ž


dried up semen, specifically when caught with a piece of tissue.

Michael, please pick up that pile of jame off the floor.

by kevin l. jones August 14, 2007

704๐Ÿ‘ 343๐Ÿ‘Ž


A complete princess, likes to wear a tiara and crown

Oh he's being such a James

by Trispecced February 4, 2016

286๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


That kid that just wears beige pants

Bob"Who's that kid wearing beige?"

West "that's James."

by You wear them beanies December 5, 2015

592๐Ÿ‘ 281๐Ÿ‘Ž


A James is typically a thoughtless person who normally says or does something without it being asked of them or thinking about the action. A James is also the kind of person who dosnt respond well to change. A James can also be very touchy, you can easily change a James' emotional or mood in the time it takes to clap.

James is a James

by Satans Best Buddy February 19, 2015

825๐Ÿ‘ 407๐Ÿ‘Ž