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Very caring mother
Stressed over nearly everything but successfully uses that motive to accomplish tasks.

Girl: I want a mum like that! I want a jane Durran!

I love Jane, I want her to be my mum

by L1vwidit September 23, 2019


n. a person who does everything more beautifully, easily and stress-free than you...and even if she doesn't she'll lie and say she does

n. one who is always overly-happy and never admits to facing failures or challenges

All the Janes in my life have their babies in three pushes and leave the hosptital wearing their size 3 jeans.

This Jane in my neighborhood always has homemade cookies and fresh-squeezed lemonade for snacks as opposed to my packaged Goldfish and juice boxes.

"That's fabulous! I can't wait to get their files!" exclaimed the Jane in the office next door genuinely as she took on three extra clients in addition to her already packed 80 hour work week.

by The Kept Woman May 2, 2007

561👍 267👎


Someone who is very average in appearance and everything else, even though everyone wants to be her and thinks she is gorgeous. "Plain Jane"

Everyone else: "Jane, your pictures are so pretty, you are so going to be a model. Every night I pray to God that I'll wake up and look like you."
Dan: (sigh) "That girl's smile could brighten anyone's day!"

by anonymous January 19, 2004

977👍 554👎


Jane always are out of everyone’s league and guys are too shy to talk to them cause they intimidating. Jane is the funniest friend in the group no cap. She gets what she wants. If you make a Jane mad, girlll you better watch tf out. If you are friends with a Jane, never drop them cause they will either: rise to the fucking top and everyone will want to be them, or make your life miserable. They are literally models or future models, cause janes are always tall and FIERCE. They seem innocent but on the inside they crazyyyy & freaky. They don’t do too many hookups cause a Jane ain’t no hoe but when they get a man they loyal af. They usually have a flatter ass but HUGE boobs. In high school always try getting with Jane, cause dude you’ll regret it so much if you don’t.

Jane is the prettiest person ive ever seen!
Ok but Jane is drop dead HOT
Damn, I wish I could talk to Jane!

by Mike.f02 February 6, 2019

14👍 4👎


someone who is an all around better than everyone else. a girl who is hotter, better at sex, smarter, and more gifted then you could ever attempt to be.

boy: im braking up with you
girl: ah! why? (sobs quietly)
boy: because im in love with Jane
girl: oh. i understand. she is perfect in everyway

by the official non-plain Jane June 18, 2009

883👍 541👎


Jane is a true gamer. She is so good at video games and is overall fun to be around. If you play video games with a Jane she probably carries you since she is so good and gamer.

“Yeah Jane is so good at valorant. She carries me everytime!”

“Not surprised, her name is Jane!”

by Uwu___uwU May 11, 2021


A petite, sexy bitch who loves to read and is very, very thicc.

Person one: Who is that hottie reading a book in the middle of the street?
Person two: Oh. That's Jane.

by Flabbergastedboi May 14, 2019

14👍 4👎