A jiji is a john. It is a bundle of joy where even in your darkest days, a smile from them can make you the happiest. A john is a human that feels like home. When you’re around them you feel like no matter what’s going on around you, you are safe and everything is okay. A john is everything you can ever wish for in a person, a human that you can be yourself around and know he’ll love you forever. A john is the sweetest, nicest, and prettiest type of human you can meet and it’s the most beautiful thing you can experience.
I hope i was a john to you and i hope you’ll find one someday
Ily bestie jiji
Jiji and the Bastards is a electro-death-metal-pop band from File Island formed somewhere in the early 2006 (though the name for the band wasn't decided until later).
Their musical taste combines death metal with electronic shapes and pop elements. It could be described as a fusion between Marilyn Manson and Hilary Duff, but much more twisted and bizarre.
Their style consists mainly on fast guitar riffs, powerful drum beats and symphonic electronic sounds, together with astonishing lyrics with themes revolving around secks, rape, lust, pron, depravation, uncontroled desires, buttsecks, homosexual love, pervertion, wild secks, drugs, psychedelic experiences, pedophilia and other kinds of twisted secks rituals (and occasionally nonsense, insanity and delirium).
ROY: Did you hear? Jiji and the Bastards released their debut album "Amongst Seashells & Octopuss!es"!!
OSWALD: No way! =O
DICK: I love JatB!! <3
8👍 4👎
Parmis les rares personnes qui possédaient une grosse ceinture noire veineuse avant d'être gradé en ceinture noire au jiu-jitsu brésilien
Putain t'as vu la ceinture noire de Jiji, elle est énorme
La légende raconte qu'il la met autour de sa taille tel un super saiyan
Short cute thai girl. Lives probably in the Bay Area, kinda like a Abg. Isn’t dumb like a Abg.
You to smart to be an Abg, your names probably jiji.
Introvert who loves anime and switched their name to the name of a cat in an anime.
Also the name of someone who didn't know it meant Old Man
Hey Jiji!
A highly intelligent girl. Usually out of league for many of the male species. A girl with her very own opinion. A hardcore feminist. And she knows everything whether it be rights, politics, environment or entertainment world. Deeply care about her family and friends. And passionate about doing what she believes is right.
Jyotiraditya knows about a lot of things and is very lovable. He's very much like Jiji of his group.