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A Jewish dog

Man your jog is so annoying.
Your jog bites my leg every time I come over.

by Jakeli words April 21, 2016

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Something really cool and trendy, also can be used to reply to a true statement

β€œThat shirt is so jog”


β€œI think that her hair looks awful”

β€œSo jog”

by Not_a_nerd_ May 24, 2022


Jewish Occupied Government (ie, the United States). See also ZOG.

the JOG government sent more money to israel

by zaog December 3, 2004

29πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

jog on

the definition of jog on means 2 fuk off

fukin jog on u tit wanker

by jog on i aint telin u March 23, 2005

124πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž


A legendary really hot guy. You’d give this nickname to a guy named josh. He is very charming and incredibly Funny

Person one: Look over there, who’s that Stud Muffin{ who’s making that girl laugh

Person two: that’s just Jogs

by Chad Wick 69 December 17, 2018

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


to masterbate

1. I can't wait to go for a jog

2. I caught him in the bathroom jogging on the spot

by wordartist69 January 12, 2010

22πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Jog on

its a word to say fuck off to the person that does your nutting

Boy: your shit at running love
Girl: your such a dick
Boy: Jog on yeh bag head
Girl: ive been jogging actually, why dont you try sometime

by ronnie1997 August 3, 2011

41πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž