A manga/Anime series by Hirohiko Araki, a man with dementia. One of the parts can be described as "man with traps the size of his head, fights 3 homoerotic Aztec men with the help of a cyborg nazi"
what the fuck man.
You need an anime to watch? Watch JoJos Bizarre Adventure? Youd have to be very comfortable with your sexuality to watch it though
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The best anime ever. Itβs about this jojo guy and his descendants ironically fighting evil eternally, usually every other generation, or some gay vampireβs Italian son. Itβs not gay, I swear.
Virgin: I like my hero academia.
Jojo fan: eww no JoJoβs Bizarre Adventure is better
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A show about muscular, kinda gay men who use electric kung fu and punching ghosts in order to fight gay vampires, ancient aztec strippers, gay vampires again, david bowie, the mafia boss, the gay vampires' boyfriend and the president of the united states. Also has awesome music. There was that one song that goes "*taradadadaratatarara* *taradadataratarara* *taradadaratataRAAAAAAA* Shijimaaaa noooo, soko kaaraaaaaa"
Person one:do u know Jojos Bizarre Adventure?
Person one:an excellent response
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The holy bible of all weebs written by Araki (aka. god)
Everything in the world is related to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Literally everything from breathing to state of existing is a jojo reference. You can never hate on jojo since that's a fucking jojo reference as well.
Person 1: "What do you think about the Mona Lisa?"
Average Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan: "I got an erection."
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A show that is mostly men screaming at each other while fighting villains and vampires. Features lots of women, and the community thinks that most of the men in the show are gay. especially DIO. And Enrico
P1: Hey, have you heard of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
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Good show me love it watch it now now do it or else ill tell the USSR that you toched me
Jjba:me good
Hater: I hate you
Jojo bizarre adventure : ILL RIP YOUR ORGANS OUT OF YOUR BODY
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Everyone ever: Jojo's bizarre adventures is peak fiction