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John is an amazing individual who takes alot of time out to help others, He his always well spoken and well presented what ever the occasion. He always as a smile on his face and makes people feel at ease. He his a proud individual who never likes to show others what his actually going on, he just likes to deal with things privately. He has the ability to know what people are thinking and always knows what people are up to (wink wink) those that cross him lose a friend for life! Love him or hate him he his a top guy who's heart his in the right place.

Girl to her friend> where's john tonight?
Friend to girl> at home!
Girl to friend> don't you think you should be home with him!
Friend to girl> no way! He knows who I am, if he doesn't like it he can leave!
Moral of the story> johns too nice and always gets walked all over..........

by Shall I do it! Or walk away!!! October 7, 2011

156๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most perfect person in the world.

John is perfect.

by C.S.2012 October 7, 2012

132๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


A kid that you know, you never know if he likes you or not but you know he cares for you regardless. A man of science, logic, and technology. John has found himself in love with many people who reject him and then find themselves later obsessed with him. Loves anything computers, very logical mind. Belives that " the needs of the many out wight the needs of the few " . Gets very depressed when he realizes how lonely he is, he doesn't say anything but you can just tell he's not at his best. Always strives to do his best, would give his life for any human being, and is very compassionate, you can tell by the way his beautiful blue eyes twinkle, but they also show a dark side of hatred for the destruction humans are bringing upon themselves, but he does his best not to ever show it. Has a large compassion for video games, especially ones like; Kerbal Space Program, Turbo Dosmount, and Sim City. He thinks he is an inucence to every one he sits near at launch, so he will eventually leave. He is wonderful with his jacket and fedora. He loves to socialize even though he thinks he is hated. Can be very depressed but he always get over it. He is the most beautiful, handsome person with his blue eyes and his dirty blond hair, he leaves all the girls in a trance . He doesn't know how much he is loved and I hope that he will one day figure out. Thank you John.B you are wonderful.

Girl 1: " I talked to John yesterday, he said that I look wonderful. "
Girl 2: " I saw him earlier today, he seems really sad."

Kevin: " explain these 5th dimension things. "
John: " it's wibboly, wobbly, stuff..."

by A Person of Love March 8, 2015

56๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


I walking God, An adonis of the human race.
Irresistable to woman. Extremely muscular and chizzled.
Incredible strength and athleticism.

John - The Hottest person created

by TheGift001 March 19, 2011

175๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


The coolest person ever and should be awarded the medal of honor for his awesomeness. He also is great with computors and is epic at sports.

"Hey John your awesome!"
John, "I know."

by byoc December 30, 2011

54๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


John (Vb) - To mercilessly slay a conversation as though it were a foul beast plaguing the land and bombarding the people with cruel attacks on their households, when in actuality it is as a kindred spirit, incapable of harsh actions. Following this, the people in act of "committing a John" leave the carcass rotting in view of all the participants and companions of said conversation who grieve over the remains in horrified lamentation.

The conversation was flowing smoothly with many a heated debate on fascinating topics but unfortunately it didn't last, for strong was the spirit of the John amongst those of the conversation, and before long, It happened. John happened.
And no one spoke for two whole days following...

by Sorlaczek April 15, 2013

70๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy with a great sense of humor who will tell a joke or tickle you just to make you smile. A kind and compassionate individual who enjoys helping others. He is a good listener and an excellent communicator. He will not leave you guessing or assuming what he meant or how he feels. He is one of the most honest men you would ever meet. He is a fun and exciting guy to be around. He is so charming and sexy it shines through in the subtle way he touches your hand. He is an absolute treasure of a man.

Friend: "Why are you smiling?"

Girl: "I'm smiling because I have a John in my life."

by GreenAngel February 3, 2010

2557๐Ÿ‘ 1730๐Ÿ‘Ž