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Mumbo Jumbo

Mumbo Jumbo is a legendary minecraft youtuber, he is known for his experience in minecraft Redstone.He has built legendary things.

The sentence Mumbo Jumbo is a name

by §Lord§ July 27, 2018

288👍 54👎

Mumbo Jumbo

-A fake fact that might sound impressive

-A fact that sounds good but has no heft behind it

"You don't believe in this mumbo jumbo do you?"
- The Saint (1997)

by Girish July 22, 2003

299👍 60👎

Jumbo Josh

The greatest character from Garten of BanBan, Jumbo Josh is a large, green creature best known for knocking the player from the power lift at the end of the first game. He's a green, mean, punching machine and is probably going to steal Banbaleena from Banban any day now.

"Yo did you see Jumbo Josh got confirmed for Garten of BanBan 7?!"
"Yeah he's thuggin fr fr"

by gotohellsteven June 17, 2023

Mumbo Jumbo

Mumbo Jumbo is a famous Minecraft YouTuber who boasts 2.3 million subscribers and plays with others on a server called Hermitcraft.

I watched a Mumbo Jumbo video.

by ClaireBlanc July 25, 2018

66👍 17👎

jumbo schreiner

Fetter Galileo Essenstester mit einer Glatze und einem Bart. Wiegt 150kg.

Jumbo Schreiner: Ich habe Hunger und Dünnschiss


Person 1: Was geht Jumbo?
Person 2: Ich bin nicht fett.

by Jumboschreinerlover December 25, 2021


Letting your load go on your partner's face and sprinkling stuff that you've picked from your nose on the cum on their face!

Brett and Scott had an awesome bum darts sesh. Scott then asked Brett to spice it up a little before they went to sleep. Brett continued to serve Scott a jumbo-cappuccino.

Scott loved it, it was a great way to top of the night and also acted as a fantastic night cap.

by Howard Surprise June 5, 2008


1. Nonsense; Gibberish. Something that's unintellible, incomprehensible or makes no sense, often made so to confuse.

2. A lie propagated by superstition or deception.

Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in lavatory.

- Edmund Blackadder

by do I have to put something here? May 14, 2005

113👍 29👎