June 2nd
“Pop dem tiddys out” day
Ask your friend to send your her gigantic voluptuous tiddies.
Boy- “oh wait it’s June 2nd so send dem tiddys”
Girl- “oh yeah! *sends them big ol tiddies*
National “send your husband an outdoor photo of your titties” Day.
It’s June 2nd, of course my wife sent me a photo of her titties from the back yard.
Person 1 Yo bro its June 2nd and you know what that means.
Person 2 Ugh fine ill go kiss my crush
National Hate Chandlor Wages Day. The day where chandlor wages decided to say the N-word 7 times because she was mad. Her excuse was, “I can say whatever I want, I have black friends.” And then continued to say the N-word.
Hey, what’s today?
Oh! Today’s June 2nd, National Hate Chandlor Day!! :)
June 2nd is the day to talk on the phone with you bf/gf matter what yall are doing
Girl- "hey babe wanna FaceTime?" Boy- " No let's talk on the phone it's June 2nd"