the best fortnite battle royale player to exist!
oh no kab is in my game i should back out~kuro
Originated from a Khmer verb "កាប់", it means to chop or cut something. Among young Cambodians, it can be joked as getting stabbed by a sword or a knife by someone with either an irritation or murderous intention because of the idiotic thing you did (in short, it's another way of saying "I'm doomed").
I need to finish these articles or else I am getting kabbed by my senior because I have been procrastinating for weeks.
The term originates from Koreans dabbing 3 years past the hype. It is a shortened version of the word, "Korean Dab"; just like how every word in Korea is shortened for absolutely no reason. The term can be used for other post-hype actions or words that are used by trend-confused or trend-exiting individuals.
Johnny: Dude, I'm so cheesed right now.
Dave: Who says cheesed nowadays, that's such a kab term.