When you have sex with someone in a park, not because you want to but because you really want that crack
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Kalea is as hot as a steamy bowl of chef boyardee. She misses steal yo man, so ladies watch out. She is the funniest human being you will ever meet. She catches everyone's eye with her beauty. What ever you do don't mess with her friends or she will come after you and she not afraid of murder........ She is in love with horses, great with animals, especially great with horses named karl. She is also good at impersonations including celebrities like nicki minaj. She is and extremely trustworthy person but dont ever talk shit about her cause she has friends that would kill for her.
See that hot girl over there, her name is kalea brummund, kalea brummunds are so hot
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Kalea- Italian for exotic, sensual, sexy,
Dawn- to be someone's true love, love of their life, beautiful, loving
Defined Kalea-dawn she is my love there's no one quite like her, she captivates her peers with her exotic elegance.
Exotic elegance love
Taciana Kalea’s are mostly very hardworking and sporty. They have really big hearts for small things and are really kind and caring for others. They can be really cute, or just downright weird, but they always know how to make you laugh.
Taciana Kalea is such a hard worker at anything she does.
Kalea (pronounced Kay-Lee) is a kind person who’s always thinking about others, watching out for others, and is typically really musically inclined. they tend to have a little bit of an artsy side as well and don’t share it with others but it’s true. Also typically the most beautiful, smart, and caring person you’ll ever lay eyes on.
Dude she’s totally a Kalea.
I wish I was a Kalea.
Kalea is a good looking girl. She is very smart. Kalea loves all her friends. Kalea is a very weird and funny person everyone wants to be around her. Kalea likes to defend her friends, and will be loyal until the very end. She’s the girl who is always down to hang out, gives the best advice, and will do anything for you. Kalea is also a very sporty person. Kalea is an amazingly wonderful girl.
Kalea is a person that brings joy to others.