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Better in Day of Defeat, sucks in Medal of Honor.

Medal of Honor sucks

by 42 August 18, 2004

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


the hottest fucking group of 3 frosh..they like to show peace signs in their piCS....THEY ARE HOT..this isnt sarcastic...to fuck them would be heavenly

KAR is walking down the hall...yea KAR went to pr..word

by dontbesilly May 7, 2005

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The friend in every group of friends that nobody likes. She is often referred to as a douche bag.However, whenever KAR. shows up everyone acts kind to her.

"I fucking HATE KAR."
(KAR. walks up)
"What's up KAR.?"

by Taylor1993 October 6, 2008

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

cheti kar

(punjabi word)
1. it means be quick
2. means "jaldi kar" in hindi

cheti kar kudiyee

by mathlover April 10, 2013

Kar Jacobs

The car version of Karl Jacobs

e: hey why does that car have karl jacobs face on it?
j: oh that must be kar jacobs

by 4"8 April 19, 2021

Baran Kar

A big fatty fat shit fat face full of food flappy dappy saggy granny.
Has poo’s left right and centre.

Baran Kar can’t see his penis.

by No Haram May 11, 2019

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Can be used as either a noun or a verb - pronounced as if a car were hanging.

Noun: The name of a person who grills and gladiates (although not globally ranked #1) often. Such a person is infamous for "crossing" people over or "lighting" one up.

Verb: Chillin' with the cool kids.

Noun: Kar-Hang! Lets grill some veggie burgers!

Q: Hey, what are you doing?
A: You know, Kar-Hanging out.

by I love Kar-Hang! June 4, 2008

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž