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Karter-alan mcKarter

one of the main protaganists from the webtoon a very funny series with skits and giggles and the 10-year-old younger brother of tiffanii sue mcKarter. poor Karter tho. he literally gets stalked by freaking yanderes, ghosts and even his own parents all the time. now that i realize it, Karter is the only normal one in his family.

coperson 1: did you know karter-alan mcKarter is normal?
person 2: bruh everyone kinda is
person 1: compaired to a alien from another dimension, a psychopathic girl with a extra eye (literally) a woman addicted to looking at bugs, and a man with an ED, he's pretty normal.

by Pancakez!!X3 June 6, 2022

Karters hoop

When ones bum hole Is sore after a bout of karting , also known as ring sting

Hey a few of us from go karting have got karters hoop , have you had any symptoms

by Kartingqueen July 22, 2022

Karter Vandiver

Karter is a name better than kayden

Karter Vandiver is better than Kayden Gooding

by 123457890-qweyuipek;sxcvuytred April 18, 2023

Karter mart

A shopping mart exclusively for people who’s name start with the letter K

Karen and Kristen went too karter mart yesterday.

by The random scroller April 14, 2022


a kindhearted, funny and polite boy who is very good at his sport. he usually keeps to himself until he is in a group with his friends. he has good manners and a bright smile.

girl: omg karter is so nice
boy: yeah he is

by joseaseewah December 31, 2024


karter is gross.. he wears champion and has airpods

he likes to try to hold hands with his friends... hes so gross. his sister probably stuck he finger up her but and made him eat


by lorinaboynnn March 24, 2022


A hot man the has a girl the is hot and a 3ft long cock.

Karter is REALLY fucking sexy and I want to have sex with him

by Karters_bitch December 27, 2022