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A fabulous girly girl! Absolutely crazy.. weird strange amusing.. dark hair small.. TRES SKINNY.

ha lush. x

Woah, she looks like a katy!

by silverducky May 1, 2009

244๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Irish beauty that you won't ever come across again. An absolute treasure that you never thought you'd discover. A woman with such mesmerizing green eyes that you will no doubt become lost in them. She smells sooo good, that her scent becomes cemented into your sense of smells memory. Your hands won't touch softer skin. Your lips, once after kissing hers, will visualize a 4th of July finale. Her body...whoa...don't get me started! She has some of the cutest little quirks you will ever see. Her laugh is so cute too, and her smile...yeah, her smile might be brighter than a full moon itself. When it comes to personality, she will make you smile. Laugh. Have long conversations. Talk about random topics such as almond butter to sewing thread. In the end...she'll make you fall in love. Simply put...every man's dream girl. Note: See definition of DREAM GIRL.

Dream Girl
definition: Katy

"Yeah, that girl might be cute, but she's no Katy."
"You might think that the Arc of the Covenant is the treasure of all treasures, but you best step back! Because it's no Katy!"
Boy 1: "Whenever I dream, I always see this girl. This girl that I've never seen before. She's just absolutely gorgeous!"
Boy 2: "Yeah. You know who that is? That's Katy. I've seen her in mine too!"

by Patriknashnl March 11, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


extremely nice girl that is pale, tall and brunette. she loves monkeys and likes to swim. she is sometimes a little bit annoying but is very sweet and nice. she loves to shop and hang out with her friends and i love her

wow i think i just saw katy

by boarderdude May 7, 2011

62๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


a Girl who's not like any other girl. Everything about her is amazing. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her lips, her skin, her kisses, her hugs. Every little feature is great. she's the perfect girl and you see her flawless. Shes the type of girl you will always love no matter what. You couldnt feel luckier with a girl. God's greatest creation.

"No one can beat a Katy"

by the luckiest guy in the world July 1, 2012

253๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž


the oblivious type, with the hottest legs on campus. she frequents the frat boys, but still lets you know that she's innocent. She has nice curls and a rockin bod, but could use some extra padding around the bust. Her face is sometimes compared to that of easter island statues however shes soft on the eyes. She prefers to be on top, of the bunk bed that is, but she is always up for snuggling sharing time. She quite generous but sometimes forgetful and her wallet is as tight as her ass. In conversation she shows her brains, especially in the sicences. Overall shes a beauty with a body and a hottie who wont take no shotty service.

Freind 1:Oh man I got lost in the student union. But at least I look good.

Friend 2: You mean the one place on campus you walk through everyday?
Aw, stop being such a Katy.

by pittgurllova April 20, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl that realizes her worth and makes it known to all potential male persuits that 'This shit ain't for free'.

Male: 'How bout you back that up'

Katy: 'Um.....this shit ain't for free, beotch'. 'Pay to play or pay to lay......the choice is yours'.

by biospunk February 3, 2010

99๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sweetest girl u will ever meet. She has long curly brown hair, and an amazing booty. Shes cute & sweet, but doesnt take shit from no one, especially when some hoe wants her man. Shes an amazing friend, an animal lover, the type of girl u would bring home for your mom to meet, but also the type of girl u show off to your friends. Your mom will love her but your ex will hate her.

I wish she was single, shes such a katy mmm... :)

by xlildevilqt247 August 14, 2011

85๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž