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Kaveh Saket

commonly known as kevinator, he stood against obesity and other unhealthy condition. He inspires countless numbers of people to improve their lives in plethora of ways not just through physical training but food education and life style motivation.

dmmmmmmn ! kaveh saket is here ! hide your beer bottels and chips !we are all in serious trouble !

by k2086 November 17, 2012

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From Genshin Impact and a Dendro Vision user in Sumeru. Kaveh, my pathetic babygirl. Oh, how I love you. He's namely with Al-Haitham and they have an interesting angsty friendship that turned into Kaveh being broke and then living with his ex-friend as adults. I swear. . . they are so queer.

Kaveh is so beautiful!

"Al-Haitham and I are roommates."

"Don't tell anyone."

Kaveh is a damn bi-con.

by RenaTheHost! February 4, 2024


Stop talking about my ass.


by Kavehtt December 5, 2023


help me, people are saying weird things about me...

- kaveh

by Kavehtt December 5, 2023


I'm Kaveh, and I wanted to clear things out.
First of all, STOP CALLING ME AN HOUSEWIFE! OKAY? I am a man, with a job and profession, I'm a DUDE, a GUY! AND NO, I AM NOT GAY! Who even told you those rumors!? What do you guys invent? Why?! I have a profession, I'm an architect and I have a career! This is highly disrespectful, I am no one's WIFE OR HUSBAND! I am busy with my own work and I do not intend to be anyone's husband or 'wife' because I am NOT A WOMAN.

I already have a shitty roommate and I don't need someone else to stress me out, stop calling me an HOUSEWIFE and FEMBOY, what does that even mean?! Do you guys hear what you write and say about me? Disrespectful... I wanted to clear out as well that no, I don't cry over little and dumb things! I have debts and all, but that doesn't mean I'm that sensitive, I mean, maybe. BUT I'M A GROWN MAN, YOU GUYS ARE PROBABLY MINORS! I have enough stress.

So stop saying I'm over dramatic and sensitive and stop making rumors about me, you fucking fools!

I hope you all understood, I'm not wasting anymore time, stop making those things about me! I hope I was clear


by Kavehtt December 5, 2023


Kaveh - cute fucking hot ass man who I devour every single night. Heโ€™s so babygirl and I love him so much oh my god I love kaveh so much

Heโ€™s from gayshin impact and Iโ€™m the biggest fan of him heโ€™s so cute

โ€œkaveh is so babygirlโ€
โ€œkaveh is mineโ€

by Kavehdevourer August 11, 2023

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Sexy ass guy from genshin. Also holds the title of the most babygirl character in genshin impact history.

Person 1: Kaveh is my favorite character!
Person 2: Marry me.

by Micahcircle August 8, 2023

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