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not good at anything,gaming,and not smart intellacutally

he is kavin

by kidsaresmart September 12, 2022


A stupid furry who eats potato for breakfast and you for lunch hehe boi

I really am feeling Kavin

by Whoopu April 16, 2024


a guy with charisma but not one to be messed with. Loyal to his family and friends

Kavin is so good to his sister then he must be good boyfriend material

by sum1coolnotatool July 1, 2023

kavin balaji

kavin balaji is a simp. he always chase after girls named Bhuvaneshwari.

God! Don't be such a Kavin Balaji, JK its a prank

by Summafunbro May 25, 2023

Kavin Krishna

Kavin stands for handsome, and Krishna is a mythical god. Kavin Krishna is a phrase used to describe someone with stellar looks and amazing qualities. Somebody social and loved by all.

He's the best friend you'd get, and you'd be the most lucky person to be in a relationship with him.

" Ughh, That guy is such a kavin krishna, he's way outta my league"
"Hey look, we got a kavin coming into class today!"

by YourMadCute March 16, 2023