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The most beautiful girl in the world and nobody notices but someday they will. Better than Becky with the good hair. Everyone lowkey wants to be like her. Everyone thinks she smart not sexy, nerd not noticed, and her beauty is taken for granted. She is also loyal, sweet, sincere, honest. badass. savage, and funny. NOW WHO DOESN'T WANT A GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT?!?!?

Kelis? Who's she? She's cute but...nah she wouldn't let me hit dat.

I need a girl like Kelis...

by spoopyandscramer December 7, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A amazing weird, nice, considerable, and honest. Just don't be like mos people and she wont act bitchy😊.

Why that name doe Kelis.

by learen March 15, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A cute,smart,funny,adorable,kind, and loving girl, who's most likely gonna have a good man.

Man, I want a Kelis in my life!

by firekidlis May 30, 2017


An artist compared frequently to Beyonce in Europe due to their equal presense in the European charts. Beyonce may be a better singer but Kelis puts out REAL material, is independant and works at her own pace without the influence of her family or record labels, she speaks the truth, does not contradict herself and does not wear a wig.

Girl: Did anyone see Beyonce on TV the other night?

Group: Who? We were watching Kelis.

by Safejo July 10, 2007

23πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


Keli sometimes pronounced (Kay-Lee) is a name related with pure and kindhearted, they don’t open up at first but if they do you are lucky. Keli’s are someone you should never let leave your life if you meet one.

Bro i’d fly to the moon with Keli, shes so cool

by Luke.Lol July 8, 2019

66πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An amazing girl who is sweet funny beautiful and an amazing singer. She is always there for you when ever you need someone. When ever she goes down she comes back at them stronger. Usually a athletic girl with a caring heart. Also really cool and makes a lot of friends. She's honest and will always have your back no matter what is going to happen.

That person right there is the best friend best singer and most honest person out there. Kely is just so amazing

by Taco_1234 December 16, 2013

53πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


kelis is very fun to be around very outgoing when you get to know her but can be shy at times and she will be the realest on yo team okay cause perioddttt

you know that girl kelis yeah she funny and nice asf

by urbanfriend89982 November 26, 2018