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An email so long, you have to use your kindle to read it.

Hey dude! TLDR, this is a kindle-email.

by brannewyn May 21, 2012

kindle legs

kindle legs describe a man or woman with a sexy protruding pelvis. Their legs seem to connect to them in almost a doll-like fashion and it is extremely hot. It is rare to find a person with kindle legs and they are usually on very toned individuals.

Wow! Mena Suvari has really great kindle legs!

by sugarjunkie December 13, 2010

hell kindling

When saying someone is going to burn in hell just isn't strong enough, go with hell kindling. This would be the sort of individual that the rest of hell's residents would rather not be associated with, the sort that burns even easier than the others. When they show up, the rest of the damned would be like "Damn! Did it just get hotter in here?" What gets the hellfires started quicker than anything else? Hell kindling.

"That Bernie Madoff is just the sort of hell kindling that will stave off a cold day in hell."

by The_J_Man March 2, 2009

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paper kindle

a printed book

My ereader battery died so I had to read a paper kindle.

by ebibliotopia September 21, 2010

Amazon Kindle

Is an Electronic Book Reader (E-Book). They have made 2 editions. The Kindle 1 & 2. The Kindle hardware devices use an electronic paper display and download content over Amazon Whispernet using the Sprint EVDO network. Kindle hardware devices can be used without a computer, and Whispernet is accessible without any fee.They also have an app for the iPhone & the iPod Touch called the 'Kindle for iPhone'. There has been alot of criticism over the Kindle stating that it should atleast try to compete with todays technology & PDA's & such. The Kindle has to depend on Sprints celular network which can have low signals at times. In my opinion I think that it should come with fun features on the side such as, Opera mini web browser, Flash support for live streaming, WiFi, If its on the Sprint network then it should be SMS enabled, With a Micro SD card slot. And maybe even a touch screen. Then maybe it'll be worth its price (Which is $359, I think that if it had these features that maybe it would go up to atleast $400 which still wouldnt be that bad. Why would you pay close to $400 dollars for something that only reads books?) Anyway the Amazon Kindle 1 & 2 runs on a standerdized Linux 2.6.10 Kernel.

I don't really have an example for the Amazon Kindle. Its alright but it would be more kick ass if it had more features.

by Kweezy157 April 5, 2009

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Kindle Elbow

Stress injury to the elbow caused by holding your kindle for hours in end

My kindle elbow hurts like a bastard

by MahaT July 8, 2015


Pre-2007 paper based reading format commonly referred to as a "book".

Anna: What did Ade get you for your birthday, dude?
Brendan: This retro-Kindle dudess. No touch-screen or back light and the memory is full already. But haven't had to charge it once. Even beats my retro-Nokia 3310.

by Brandomoron July 9, 2017