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King of the Hill

The most boring cartoon on tv. Created by Mike Judge who alse created the much better and funnier Beavis and Butthead

I was watching King of the Hill last night and i fell asleep

by Bastard son of a hundred maniacs July 4, 2005

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Kings of Capital Hill

Collectively the Legislative and Executive branches of the United States Government.

So named because they do not pay taxes, determine their own pay raises, have their own health care and personal security all at the tax payer's expense. Similar to Medieval Feudal Kings.

The Kings of Capital Hill want to expand "Gun Control".

by K-Town 326 September 6, 2009

King Hilling

When you and your squad are having a drinking session for an extended period of time and you remain in the same position without having to move. Term is coined from the opening credits of the cartoon King of the Hill

Me and the boys were so well parked last night we ended up King Hilling for 3 or 4 hours

by A King Hiller July 12, 2016

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Kings hill

A small estate full of roadmen and chavs that hang around outside Asda. Nice houses and nice people. Just scary roadmen

Oi mate. Wanna come down kings hill for a couple of fags

by Bob.666 October 31, 2020

Kings Hill

A nice place dat is ruined by wiggas (benji) wannabe pikeys (bollom) or lil priks. Policed by pricks in blue jeeps (eugene) Out of 10-4
(fuckin shithole)

What up blad lash us a fag boi!- ne1 round kings hill.
Yo wass goin on boi! im lovin ma baby blu hat!- benji

by Feck off! March 8, 2004

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King Edwards vi camp hill for girls

A school for posh little bitches whose parents are rich fuckers

What school are you going to

king Edwards vi camp hill for girls
What's that
Where all the posh snobby bitches from Solihull go

by Sexylog March 12, 2017

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King of The Hill

King of The Hill (Koth for short) Is a way of superiority, basically being the best or last man standing. If you were the last person at a park, you could say you are the koth.

Frank: I am King of The Hill! cant stop me, eh?
Sky: I guess not!
Felix: He really thinks he is superior?
Olly: Yep, dont ruin his fun i guess.

by TopHatCatMan May 29, 2023