Kozy is a fat ass nigga that plays roblox,fortnite, and sits on discord all day
Someone who is always comfortable in there own way and is different from the rest. Being Kozy means your unique with whatever your wearing , how you talk , perceive yourself , and how you view the world. Its more than just a sense of warmth but a lifestyle.
“ That guy’s fit looks so kozy.” or “Why do you always look so kozy?”
Kozy Culture is a term used to describe a lifestyle that is focused on comfort, relaxation, and self-care. It is characterized by activities such as taking long baths, reading, spending time outdoors, and engaging in creative pursuits. It is also associated with minimalism, sustainability, and simplicity. In much simpler terms, a kick-ass brand with sweet deals, original products, and a badass community behind it!
I can't believe I spent my kid's entire college tuition fund on KOZY Culture items.