A total douche bag who goes and tells his best friend to kiss you so he has a good excuse to break up with you.
He's such a douche, his name must be Kylen.
35👍 63👎
A great, sweet, honest, angel sent from heaven above. she has an extremely odd bond for birds and can own dozens! not very athletic. health freak. always looking for all natural ingredients. very organized when it comes to plans but very disorganized when it comes to her room. has mutiple guy friends and only loves 1 out of all of them. she doesnt have that many girl friends though. loves the country and doesnt enjoy popular crowds. shes very quiet around lots of people, but when with 4 or less friends, shes very talkitive.
My bestie Kylene• is super chill! lets go hang out with her! Kylene• . Kylene is a calm, music loving person.
2👍 1👎
Kylens are very genuine guys. If you have a Kylen in your life keep him. Don’t push him to his limits, he won’t like that. Kylens are handsome, smart, athletic, and nice guys. Treat him with respect.
“Hey, whats that guy’s name?”
“Oh, that’s Kylen!”
2👍 2👎
The best couple in the world .
a: “u saw kylen + zaylee walking together?”
g: “yeah dude their mad cute”
3👍 7👎
kylen is cute and really kind he will try his hardest to speak to you he is one of the best people i have met he's loyal,kind,sweet,understandble i love you kylen
Kylen is usually the most popular kid in school, he usually is the most cute and nice kid there is. He also loves his girlfriend,
Kylen is so cute!!!!
Kylen is very good at baseball. He also loves the ladies. Especially the one that’s named Raeleigh.
Kylen is so awesome!