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This is the parking area at a wookfest, aka phish show. Usually filled with dirty hippies peddling everything from fake acid to glass dildos.

"Yo brah we gotta bounce now so we can sell the bunk doeses in the lot. "

by Trey March 19, 2005

84πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


verb: to park

Pete: Wait up, I gotta lot my car
An-an: Hurry up, we'll be late!

by mrcoolteacher September 8, 2017


A group of people, usually the people who belong to the area.

Lo: You with the Broady lot?
Michael: Nah b im with the Margate lot?

by MrG Streets September 17, 2018


A huge amount of people or stuff, practically means that there’s so many stuff/people

Wow, that’s a lot of people, I can just talk to them

by Andrushencia Kotpaw February 24, 2022


League of Thots

Mike: *sipping on coffee* Oh, Shit!

Kelly: Damn, you good? What is it?

Mike: There's an LoT coming our way! Hide your Takis! I don't want a single person on snapchat!


by space._.Suprem July 26, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


"a lot" - shortened for the slacker-types of our generation. (you know we can't waste our syllables...)

Darel: "How much you got on you, punkazz?"
Hans: "Lots."
Darel: "That means?"
Hans *daka daka ensues*
"Nunyas". Pissant.

by D (Chief of the "Slap-a-Ho" Tribe) May 5, 2004

26πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Lots or lot means `more than one.`

If you were describing the fact that you have many friends, you'd say,

"I have a lot (lots) of friends!"

EX -- "There are lots of birds today!"

by Parakeet Slimes June 20, 2019