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Laila is a super funny,sweet,caring and beautiful girl. She loves her friends and family and will protect them at all cost. Laila brings the energy that is always needed. Laila’s are usually stunning and can pull anyone they want. Laila’s usually skinny or thick. Often Laila’s are crazy but in a good way. They usually have crackhead energy and everyone loves it. It’s hard not to love a Laila she is the total package. Laila’s have really good eye contact and can keep you staring for hours. Never get on a Laila’s bad side cause it’s game over for you. Laila’s will throw some hands. Laila’s tend to be good fighters and usually win. Sometimes they can have a attitude if you piss them off. Laila’s hate drama and just like to keep it real.

Boy 1: “Wow whose that.”
Boy 2: “It’s Laila isn’t she beautiful?”
Boy 1: “she’s more than beautiful🤤.”

by LGS♥️🤤 October 15, 2019

10👍 2👎


The most beautiful,sexy, kind ,and amazing girl. Anyone would want to fuck her. She has an amazing body and ass. Anyone would die just to have a Laila. So if you have a Laila fuck her good and never let her go.

Tanner: wow laila is so beautiful and sexy.

Kate: ya she is amazing.

Tanner: I will never let her go❤.

by Love lies14 January 26, 2018

26👍 9👎


Dear Laila, you are truly a loving person. At times you may be overwhelmed and can overthink things through. If you have siblings you annoy them to death but still love them. And your weakness is your friends and family. You have always been a nice person and always look for the best in people. You almost never cause any trouble. You excel in school which means you are very smart. But you also often doubt yourself which needs to stop because you are an amazing person. Everyone loves you and you are the popular girl in school but the nice popular girl. You are always here to help everyone that needs help an you are a pro at fixing problems. You are truly a gift Laila never forget that.

Hey, Laila wanna hang later we missed you !!.

by typical_lovingperson. April 19, 2021


Lovely,Kinda cheeky ,Smoool ,Puppy eyes, Jealous af ,Very Caring, Good heart,Cute but doesn't like to be called that, Strong personality , But also a bit sensitive.

Even if laila doesn't admit it, she's a little softy :)

She is the perfect girlfriend :)

She doesn't trust everyone so be happy when you have her in your Life :)

Laila is just unforgettable . She is the person everyone need In life :)

She will probably don‘t show it but she Cares a lot about your feelings :)

Person 1: Oh wow so beautiful and adorable who is she ?
Person 2 : That‘s Laila .being defined as Real and pure beauty . When you got her heart your are the luckiest person on the earth.

by Strawberry_marshmallows_ May 6, 2020


Laila is a girl that can betrusted with any secret.She's been through a lot no one know.She gets bullied a lot but that dose 't stop her.she's a beast she runs wild she is shy when in front of a lot of people.She also has big bright hazel eyes with dark hair

My best friend Laila is really shy

by Eva rogers October 25, 2017

10👍 3👎


Laila is someone with big blue eyes like the deep ocean waters, she is funny and turns every sad situation into a funny one. She has rounded features with plump lips. She is a free spirit and makes her way into everyone's heart where ever she goes.

Laila: Smiling and singing in the grocery store
Random person: Wow, that girl just made my day.
Me: Yeah she does that she's a Laila.

by Itiswhatitis September 24, 2013

101👍 68👎


Laila is the mom of the friend group, she’s always prepared for the worst, keeps multiple bandaids with her at all times. Laila can get in crazy ass moods, where she becomes a literal chaotic mess, and can break down crying, break down on the floor and start dancing, she’s never predictable. Overall, Laila is a chaotic mess but will love you to pieces if you even make eye contact with her, she’s very in touch with her emotions, and cares about people a lot. Oh shit, did I mention, LAILA IS LITERALLY THE MOST GAY PERSON EVER!

Why is Laila so emotional?

by lmfaobahahaah November 1, 2019

5👍 1👎