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Calvin, also known as LeafyIsHere, is a 20-year-old YouTuber who makes commentary videos, playing games such as CS:GO, Surf and Overwatch while talking on a subject such as YouTube videos, YouTubers and anything else that happened recently. He is well known for his immensely dark sense of humour and his rants on DramaAlert and FouseyTube.

"LeafyIsHere is the cancer of YouTube."

by The TBC July 30, 2016

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Leafyishere is a channel on YouTube which is presumed to exist but somehow doesnโ€™t. This phenomenon started after the idubbbz content cop

โ€œHey do you know leafyishere?โ€

by Ggghhhhggg October 15, 2017

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A youtuber who has a โ€œreptilianโ€ army and goes by Leafy as a nickname. He made videos about other people, like these people called Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend, and he would basically make fun of them. He has no chin, so he covers it up by putting the Ok hand gesture on his nose so he has his wrist covering the big gaping hole where a chin is supposed to be.

When he was popular, every video he watched would have comments like โ€œSssssssssโ€ or โ€œkysโ€. This phenomenon became so bad to where leafy had to put a small paragraph in his video descriptions telling his โ€œarmyโ€ not to go out and witch hunt the people heโ€™s been making fun of. These days heโ€™s not so popular.

In one event, leafys snapchat got hacked and his nudes were leaked. Thereโ€™s still a tumblr page with his nudes iโ€™m pretty sure.

Torrance: Did you see Leafyโ€™s new video?
Abby: Kys nobody likes him, plus LeafyIsHere made fun of my favorite band, UKMG

by TheSushiHasBlood May 6, 2018

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This is another word for Illness and is basically the cyber version of cancer

Yo bob, I've contracted some LeafyIsHere.
My brother died of LeafyIsHere. So tragic...

by YaNoIHad2DoItToEm March 30, 2018

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This kid is about 25 y/o, yet constantly makes fun of other people for being grown and on the internet and stupid, even though that's exactly what he does. He always calls his videos "satire" when it's actually a flimsy, shit excuse to not get hated, even though he still makes fun of autistic kids. He always words his insults in a way that usually it's considered an anti-insult, as Ian from iDubbbzTV says. He has a disgusting, poorly-formed chin that he constantly hides while he insults other people who are likely more everything than he is because he is an absolute pussy. All of his videos are stretched out longer than they need to be as well, so he can get more money. Speaking of money, he has a gay ass merchandise store where he sells bleach jokes on clothes, which are still hilarious and super-duper funny, if you have an IQ under 70. He's completely irrelevant by the time you're reading this, as RiceGum would say. Surprisingly, this fucker still has 4.3 million subs, but it's just that no one cares. Likely, he currently makes videos at the rate of five a day in an attempt to catch up with his subs in terms of his shitty view count.
Also, if you look hard enough, you can find his chode and asshole on the internet, not a joke. He even confirms it himself, pretty ballsy, so we can at least give him credit for that: /watch?v=jAPz4iFemRI. He doesn't need more money. Well, we can all feel bad that he got what he is leaked on the internet; a smelly chode and a rotten asshole.

Jason: Do you watch LeafyIsHere? He's so lit.
Mike: No, what the fuck? Wasn't he popular like 10 months ago? Maybe I remember him a little bit... I don't know. He also got fucking wrecked by iDubbbz.
Jim: Yeah, dude. Seriously. He's a pussy anyway.
Jason: Well, he has a hot asshole.
Jim and Mike: What?

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom April 1, 2018

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LeafyIsHere is a popular mid-stream youtuber, who is actually kinda funny. He is hated on by most of the youtube population, and starts rants to point out the sick twisted bullshit other youtubers do EVERYDAY!

Why Might People Hate Leafy
1.) His subscriber count;
2.) They roast their favorite youtubers.
Like, fouseytube, keemstar and a bunch of other bullshit people (cough, tpindell, and a lot of others. COUGH!) (vines, cough)
3.) They find his humour oversexualized or immature.
4.) The youtubers rally their fans.
Yeah, lynced and roasted youtubers HATE leafy. Even berezza hates him (idk why lmao), and hes a 18 year old who plays and makes roblox games for 5 year olds. Talk about irony!
5.) They go with the bandwagon called,
Why people LOVE leafy
1.) His rants are actually worthy of being dubbed, good.
2.) Humour, and lots of other things.

I love leafyishere, anyone who hates him is a person who lives under a rock, and slits their wrists and pours bleach in it.

by Mr.Epic-Haven February 13, 2017

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A person that is the living cancer cell on earth. This man finds enjoyment on harassing other youtubers and children and creating drama. While not only a hypocrite, he largely uses clickbait titles and tries to cover himself from the world because hes only 20

leafyishere is a fagg

by Anus Destroyer 69 February 23, 2017

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