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Leah is a beautiful and kind girl but when people say it she rejects it. She is amazing but if u get on her back side you will regret it. Leah isn't always perfect but does try her best to be good.

"Wow I like what Leah is wearing today"

by 9573 November 29, 2016

56πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Leah is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet in your entire life. The moment you'll see her you'll never be able to forget her. She has eyes that you get lost in and a smile that you fall in love with. She is the most loyal girl you will ever meet and any guy that is with her is a really really lucky dude. She loves cautiously, but full heartedly. If you are good to her and you treat her right she will love you with everything she has, and any guy that is with her would be extremely happy. The moment you actually get the guts to talk to her you'll want to spend the rest of your life with her. Hopefully I can ;)-Alan

Rob:Dude that girl leah is hot
Alan:I know dude shes a real keeper

by Alank081902 May 2, 2018

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful girl Who Is always there for her friends . She is the one they go to for advice. She is boy crazy, but fun with it. She is a funny, pleasant person to be around. You can count on her to keep your secrets, and she always knows what to say. She can turn your day around with one look and is a total boy magnet. She is insecure, though she shouldn't be, and needs to be more confident in who she is. She is a shameless flirt.😏😏😏

Guy: Who is that?
Guy 2: That's Leah
Guy: Is she available?

by myself dont ask why July 20, 2015

43πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Female of the human species who loves sandwiches and has awesome socks

Whoa look at Leah she has awesome socks and sandwiches

by Spider Box March 11, 2013

124πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Leah is a tall beautiful, many guys like her. She thinks she is ugly but isn’t really. She is also really funny and has a big ass. If you piss her off you better watch out. Very sarcastic and can always roast people. 😍

Guy : WOW that girl!
Guy2: Wow that must be a leah!!!

by jaki68 April 3, 2018

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Leah is absolutely stunning. She will make your day just by getting to see her and her smile will leave you speechless. She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet, although if you get too close to her, be careful because you will fall for her instantly. You will never stop thinking about her no matter how hard you try. Her personality is one of a kind, she is funny, sweet, caring, and maybe a little shy at times. But everything about her is perfect.


You are the luckiest person ever if you get to meet a Leah

by Reverse cardddd June 2, 2019

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A unique individual who is always there for her friends. She is sometimes shy, and doesn't have complete confidence in herself even though she should, she always seems to know the right thing to say. She worry's just a lil too much, but always about the important things she needs to just take things a lil more in stride XD. Leah = pretty and thin eventhough she may not think so.

Friend: Leah, what should I do?
Leah: well, tell me what happened ...

by develic November 24, 2006

5228πŸ‘ 1467πŸ‘Ž