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Legion of Boom

Nickname for the secondary of the 2013 Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks. The Legion of Boom original members were Earl Thomas III, Richard Sherman, Kam Chancellor and Brandon Browner. Newest additions are Walter Thurmond III, Jeremy Lane and Byron Maxwell. Due to the nature of how hard hitting and fast the Seahawks defense is the whole D is starting to take on The Legion of Boom moniker with the national media.

The Seahawks Legion of Boom put a hurting on the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning in Super Bowl XLVIII to the tune of 43-8.

by Youmanix February 14, 2014

793πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

The Legion Effect

In Dead By Daylight, when the survivors see the killer is The Legion, most of them will disconnect immediately.

Person 1: β€œDude, I was playing Legion and 3 of the survivors disconnected!”
Person 2: β€œThat’s the legion effect for you, no one likes going against The Legion.”

by devially October 21, 2022

The Shadow Legion

A very inactive clan on roblox who is lead by an inactive user.


The Shadow Legion is So inactive

by fin82 July 12, 2018

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

legion of dicks

Another name for someone who is a slut or whore. Someone who likes a lot of dicks. As defined by Dave and Chuck the freak. Also called the legion

Guy 1: "Dude Megan is so hot" Guy 2: "Yeah but she's in the legion of dicks"

by ck308 April 26, 2017

The chaos legion

A band of tank fish (master of virginity, roblox youtuber.) sponsored toxic fucking legends that give 0 shits about you and will raid your game with no reason to.

A virgin: β€œAw fuck. John, the chaos legion raided the game again.”
John, secretly in the chaos legion: β€œG O O D.”

by The ceo of shit Cold War guns May 30, 2021

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Iron-Legion(Iron Syndicate) is a Nazi LARP group dedicated to supporting inbreeding. Iron-Legion is only found in platforms like Discord or Telegram. Iron-Legion is mostly revolved around proving who is superior and who carries a better superiority complex, Iron-Legion has identical policies to the Third Reich, ironic regarding that most Iron-Legion members have origin countries that were regarded as "Not Aryan Enough to Survive" by Adolf Schicklgruber himself, nearly every Iron-Legion member turns out to be a Redditor neckbeard weeb, who Larps and ERPs like a 12-year-old girl. Iron-Legion has a long history of making 4chan fan-fictions of people whom they don't like for example making rape and Beastiality stories about their victims, their victims are kids ranging between 13-17 who are still in their age of innocence. Iron-Legion members have a strange disease of lying, They are not concerned with the difference between truth and falsehood they do not bother to distinguish fact from fantasy, In fact, their lying is a disease no Antibiotic can cure, They never stop lying, while normal people lie on occasion and often for special reasons, they lie continually - not occasionally or even frequently, but over and over like a chronic liar. They are complete without conscience.No matter what misery their fabrications may cause to the unsuspecting victims, They have a long history of persistent falsification.

Random Chad: Why are you trying to prove me a degenerate I don't support 4chan or socialize with degenerates!
Iron-legion member: WTF HOW CAN YOU BLAME ME SKILL ISSUE ! SKILL ISSUE! (*develops rage and seethes*)

by BadCompany2 August 16, 2021

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Seksonic Legion

The Clan Formerly Known As SEKS takes up a new name, The Seksonic Legion, an Uber WoW Guild on the Horde side who ganks n00bs and gains 1 inch to penis length for each n00b ganked.

Remeber kids, Everytime you gank a n00b your penis grows an inch. :D

by Killtodie November 15, 2004

41πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž