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The most amazing boy you will ever meet. He is funny,lovely,handsome and more. He will treat you amazing and will protec, love and care for you. At times she can be a little overprotective but it’s ok. It’s funny to watch him get annoyed with you because he loves you too much to actually be annoyed so he kinda sits there being adorable. He is the best and I love my Levi if you find a Levi get to know him you won’t regret it!!!!! Also MAKE SURE TI LOVE HIM TRULY!! He is so lovable and also he is very athletic ( ALSO ATTRACTIVE maybe sexy not gonna lie heheh) !!

Me : I love Levi ..!
Them : you can tell !

by Hehehemystery December 19, 2020

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


There are few words to adequately describe a Levi. However, if you are fortunate to find and know one, you will undoubtedly find that they are:

caring, compassionate, attentive, driven, faithful, understanding, multifaceted, humble, attractive, hard-working and a plethora of other adjectives... Like psychopathic...
Most importantly, Levi's are warriors - they will drop everything and be ready to fight for what they find sacred, important and hold dear.

You never have to worry when being around a Levi. If you are sad, they will make you laugh. If you need a good dose of perspective, they are ready to be honest.

Bottom line - you are lucky...no, blessed to know a Levi.

I can count on Levi.

by Jayashcool May 22, 2019

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A Levi. Where to start? This amazing specimen of humanity is rare, and should be treated with care. He, alone, can lift your spirits, he will understand you. It is his first and highest priority to make sure everyone around him is safe and comfortable. His sarcasm, humour, his intriguing, sexy voice, his everything. He will be there. You can always count on a Levi.

Emily: Omg, Levi just said he wanted to go to the movies with me
Sarah: I'm so jealous, Levi's are phenomenal

by Kremit the Dog April 12, 2019

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An amazing person.thinks of the posisitive in life. can make anyone smile.never frowns. very handsome. can get any girl.typically is very tall, slender, has curly dirty blonde hair, dresses in whatever is in the closet. favorite color is usually blue. someone everyone one loves. very athletic and competitive.very sexy. extremely smart.and typically falls in love with ashley's

Everyone: Wow, Levi your just Amazing!

by Jimmycocks March 4, 2012

111πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Loving, beautiful, handsome, great, awsome, someone you can depend on

Levi is someone everyone should meet!

by Lesa Peterson March 28, 2005

2031πŸ‘ 1102πŸ‘Ž


A guy who is mysterious, doesn't talk much and is really straightforward, blunt and doesn't care about manners. He is strong, quick witted and unbelievably handsome. He's a bit of a clean freak, yet everyone around him adores him.

I levi you.

by rufylovesaot June 15, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Levi is the nicest person you’d ever meet. He’s loyal, kind, smart, and sweet. Levi is a leader. He’s usually a sexy beast too. If you know a Levi keep them.

Yo that bitch lookin like Levi

by Hung Mule December 10, 2019

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž