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Liana is a girl who loves her pet blobfish. Her friend Roman named it blobby. She loves Roman so much. She enjoys saying mcr is trash. She also eats babies.

β€œWoah, Liana totally just ate that baby.”

β€œLiana just kissed Roman!”

by Animeweebotakutrash May 31, 2019

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful girl who's makes her mommy very happy. She is smart and funny and will grow up to be someone extraordinary.

"Did you see Sara's lil Liana? She is so cute"

by Liana's proud mommy February 2, 2010

513πŸ‘ 411πŸ‘Ž


If you ever get to meet her your life will change she is the most beautiful woman in the world has a nice thick booty she tends to be very chill long dark hair is hard to not like her

Uriel: Can't live a minute without thinking of liana
Friend: you always talkin about her

by Lover 36 November 22, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Liana is the name of a beautiful girl who a guy can always talk to. A lucky guy could stay up 10 hours on facetime with her and not get tired of it. A Liana is super awesome and a great friend. Liana's also tend to attract real douchenozzles and perverts, but if a good guy gets the love of a Liana, then everyone wins.

John: "Dang do you see that girl man?"
Patrick: "Yeah, that's Liana, she's the most amazing girl in school! I wish I could date her."
John: "Not if I get her first"
(Enter Collin)
Collin: "Stand aside boys, Liana is all mine."
John and Patrick: "What a douchenozzle"

by pschmitty October 22, 2017

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The funniest friend you will ever get also a friend that would stay beside you no matter what.

person 1:Hey you know Liana

by Lianaisstinky July 7, 2021


Liana is a gorgeous girl, who doesnt see it herself. She is very helpful in many situations and she is very trust worthy.

She has beautiful eyes and a super cute smile. She's very lovable and you should cherish her forever.

If you know someone that's similar to the person describe above; you can say "wow! That girl is such a Liana"

by Valereee November 20, 2019


Liana the best friend you always wanted.
She is smart, pretty and talented
If you have her as a best friend keep her she is the best.

Girl A: Who is that?
Girl B: OMG you don't know It's Liana!
Girl A: Oh

by POTATOQUEEN_3449 April 28, 2021