Source Code


Making a quick exit.

Leaving so fast from a bad situation your silhouette gets smaller and smaller real fast to anyone looking on as make your get away.

"That party got so crazy last night, when them fools started shootin' I got little."

"Man that girl always up on me; when I see that skank comin' I get real little."

by Bacon Grease August 14, 2006

52πŸ‘ 485πŸ‘Ž


If Cat is Too Little To Mate. She’ll Go To Vets And Get Her Surgery And Remember This To Go Home.

Susan L Wade: β€œMidnight! You’re Too Little To Have Kittens! You’re A Kitten! Go to The Vets Right Now!” *takes Midnight to the vet*

by MayDayMeh June 19, 2018

2πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A submissive bitch who falls for fake fucking roadmen

Heidi is a little

by Kill_yours_elf June 19, 2019

2πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

little little

nickname for kellens dick

person 1: did you hear about little little?

person two: oh yeah ahahaha little little

by googgggg October 30, 2019

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Something your Dick is

girl: wow it's so... little
Guy: I know

by DUGY November 7, 2015

1769πŸ‘ 281πŸ‘Ž


almost no; almost none of; minuscule amounts of

I get little-to-no breakfast every day.

by Antisarcasm March 29, 2022


A little is the submissive partner of a DDLG relationship offtain called names like baby girl and princess. THEY offtain act more childish hen there real age like a 20 year old acting like a 4-5 year old they offtain love coloring stuffed animals and watching cartoons.depending on the age of the little they may also require sippy cups and or pacifiers .

Just like there are daddy doms and little girls there are also mommy doms and little boys and the same things will apply

They offtain require rules such as bed time and punishments for being bad

Her daddy looked at her in the eyes and asked" who's daddy's little girl?"

The little responded with " me daddy me! Can I has treat?"

by Derpy_little_princess December 12, 2016

654πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž