My little thing defines someone special and petite. You can use it for your gf, lover, spouse or child.
In this sentence, "a thing" does not mean an object.
My little thing. My poor little thing. My sweet little thing.
Code for pedophiles.
(Something you usually see online, commonly found in bios)
(Online setting)
thing 1: “i appreciate the little things in life.” 😉
thing 2: wat..
A term for a preteen woman or a human female younger then thirteen years old who has sex with grown and will go placed where she can find them to have sex etc.
Person 1: I told her," Your just a little girl, you can't take grown mens' dicks. And she said ,'Yeah, I can too take grown mens' dicks'"
Person 2: Yeah, she's the wildest little thing you ever saw.
Non-offensive way to say that someone is fat.
Damn, look at that unit. Pretty little thing, huh?
1👍 7👎
It's that little thing that girls do you know, i love it when they do the little thing
G: Hey you know the little thing that girls do? Do you like it?
M: Like it? I love it, it's my favorite thing about girls