What david richard touches all day long
1)stop touching those little boys DR!
2)And stop attracting fat ugly goth girls to our table!
29๐ 43๐
An affective way to address your partner in an endearing situation. It denotes affection and fondness with a sexual meaning involved in the target of the term.
"Iยดd like you to meet Robert; he is my Little Boy"
23๐ 33๐
The act of sticking one's finger into the ass of an unsuspecting person.
I gave that woman a little boy.
18๐ 41๐
you use this word when their is an awkward silence or when you want to change the subject.
"So I fucked my mom last night..."
-everyone looks around awkwardly-
*cricket cricket*
"ANYWAYS...little boys."
13๐ 24๐
Orangurunc and Forcier team up to hunt these down and dine on them, first by chopping their heads off and drinking the blood, then cutting them into little pieces and swallowing them whole. Oftentimes Forcier is not satisfied and eats Runco as well.
Hide those little boys, runco's coming!
11๐ 23๐
An insulting slang term used to patronize and demean an arrogant, proud (usually) young man; who thinks he's got it all figured out (in life) but is only out to make himself look good and stroke his ego.
The Polish guy Pawel is such a little boy. He sets up situations and does things that try to make himself look like a hero to win over girls. But he's just a twerp and a cuck and a bully trying to boost his ego to naive females. get over yourself, little boy.
No wonder he can never get laid and almost ends up in jail.
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Calling me ugly because I won't play him game.
Tom: Michael is fighting with me now.
Spike : is going again bark bark
Jerry: advice speak to the boss little boy
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