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Cable Locater

A job position that requires a worker to utilize wireless equipment to detect underground communication cables.
Most often workers use a RD-1000 with a "Lucy" pole and a "West" sprayer.

Look at that cable locater doing good locates.

That cable locater did 140 tickets this week, I bet his boss his proud.

by YippieYo November 22, 2016

Location Joke

When a friend tells you something funny that happened to them. But you hardly crack a smile and they say, "well you had to be there"

Pretty much what I just said above.

by Jackie Walker January 19, 2005

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location spotting

Recognizing locations in films that are supposed to be somewhere else. Especially popular game for Vancouverites because thanks to the BC Film Tax Credit many US producers shoot up north to save money, and attempt to pass off Vancouver as various American locales.

Check it out, the forest in this movie isn't in Maryland, it's a park in North Van. Me, Jane and Joe were smoking weed there just last week.

Good job location spotting!

by hollywoodnorthener January 2, 2011

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location roulette

When twitter's add location feature doesn't work and says you're tweeting from a completely different place.

Twitter's playing location roulette with me. I just tweeted in Glasgow but twitter says I'm in Florida. WTF?

by benji-kazoo October 4, 2010

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quaternary location

Where you go after the tertiary location in a weekend bar crawl that begins with a power brunch and a secondary location. The quaternary location is rarely attempted.

Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Vivica (slurred): Quaternary location?

by The Fourth Roy March 3, 2015

isolated location

An area within the cervix. When the vagina is penetrated and the individual doing the penetrated has a penis of larger stature, you may pass into this area. This hurts the female more than childbirth.

Ouch! You just thrusted into my isolated location. That Fucking Hurt.

by HardCore November 26, 2013

Location bias

A set of beliefs which can only be found in a certain website or physical location and is strongly believed by the people residing in that website or location. A certain location can have a strong belief and surround itself by people who follow that idea however, that particular idea can be opposed by another group of people in a different location.

Anyone who comes from an opposing area willing to share his view is directly dismissed by the people who reside in the home location/website. This could also be called an echo chamber or circlejerk .

The user with liberal views has commented his political view on a conservative comment section and multiple conservative people have replied to him saying his view is wrong because of location bias.

by MemeStar69 August 24, 2019