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Los Angeles

A cosmopolitan, international world-class city, with something to offer for everyone.

I've seen some of the scariest definitions and ideas about Los Angeles posted by other people, some of whom claim to be from L.A. Let me first say that I am an L.A. native and I've lived the majority of my life here. Like any major city throughout the world, L.A. has it's problems. There are gangs in many areas, the air quality can be bad depending on the day and as we all know our traffic is downright nasty. Here are some points to consider though:

1. L.A. has some of the most amazing restaurants representing some of the most diverse ethnic cuisines from around the world. These restaurants can be found many of L.A.'s traditionally ethnic neighborhoods: Koreatown, Little Ethiopia, Chinatown, Thai Town, J-Town, etc.

2. L.A. has world class museums and galleries: LACMA, MOCA, the Getty Center and Villa, Petersen, Tar Pits, etc.

3. L.A. has an amazingly comprehensive transportation system, both for motorists and its public transit system. Check out a Thomas Guide to see the massive network of streets and freeways and check out www.metro.net to see the major bus and rail operator's network (which by the way is one of many networks throughout the County).

4. L.A.'s incredible geography and topography allows for a plethora of outdoor activities at its doorstep: hiking, biking, snowboarding, surfing, beachgoing, rollerblading, etc.

5. L.A. has one of the most diverse populations you will find. Though this mostly applies to the urban areas, you are likely to see people of a dozen different backgrounds walking down the street at any given moment in a busy area.

L.A.'s problems are largely justifiable given it's size, density, diversity and climate:

1. Crime. Yes there's crime and much of it is gang violence, but the per-capita crime rate isn't unusually high. It's also a given to have racial tension in a place with large populations of ethnic minorities living side by side in many instances.

2. Smog. The reason there is so much smog in L.A.: geography. L.A. is in a basin with mountains behind it. The mountains trap the air coming in from the ocean and the pollutants coming from vehicles, refineries and other sources have nowhere to go. Some days, the sky is yellow and it's not pleasant to look at. Other days the sky is beautiful and clear and the city is gorgeous.

3. Traffic. The reason we have so much traffc: the City is vast and relatively dense for its size. Furthermore, people are forced to live farther and farther from their workplace due to escalation of home prices. Commute times increase and the freeways get clogged. This is a definite problem and there are two solutions (they don't include improving the freeways): build more dense and transit-oriented developments and improve the job markets in outlying areas. Another thing worth mentioning: traffic isn't always bad and it's usually directional; the 405 South through the Sepulveda Pass during rush-hour is wide open. Also, there are many alternate routes including on-street routes which people fail to recognize or use.

4. People. Time and time again, I hear complaints about the "fake" and "Hollywood" types. I'll be the first to admit that these people exist and in some places, they are in abundance. The solution: don't associate with them. The reality is that these people are in the small minority even though it seems like everyone is trying to be an actor.

Johnny: Yo Los Angeles sucks everyone's fake and the air is gross and bums shit on the sidewalk. Traffic is a parking lot everywhere and the beach is polluted.

Me: Have you ever actually left your suburban tract home in Laguna Niguel and explored L.A.?

Johnny: FU

by usctim June 7, 2007

40πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

1. City that has: lots of traffic, many suburbs, industry, a busy airport, a busy seaport, multiculturalism, beaches, mountains, upscale shopping, the movie industry, strained race relations, a corrupt but improving police department, a decent music scene, a high but declining crime rate, and a major inferiority complex to New York.

2. City that lacks: seasons, a decent public transit system, quality architecture (though Disney Hall is a step in the right direction), an actual downtown, and culture that is not affiliated with the electronic media (theatre, opera, etc.).

3. City that needs: everything that it lacks, though there's not much that can be done about seasons.

Overall, a great city that gets a bad rap for its shortcomings. There are better, and there are worse.

As for you, Cukamonga Kid or whatever your name is. I doubt you've been to New York, so quit comparing LA to a place that you don't know about.

Out, bitches.

by LA + NY = pwnz March 25, 2005

201πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

First off, don't write about LA if you've visited for 3 days on a vacation. You don't know Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities/counties in the US (2nd largest population and all that). We have more ethnicities in one square mile of LA than there are in the entire Midwest.

Gangs? Yeah, if you go to the CPT or LBC. Not everywhere.
Hot guys & girls? Of course. We've got beaches, and we go to them. A lot. Be happy that many of us care about our appearance.
Movie stars? Yes. Jim Carrey was filming a movie down the street from me not long ago. Most movies and tv shows you watch are filmed here. In the past year, there were probably a dozen or so shot within 10 minutes of my house (Pirates of the Caribbean, the OC, Fun with Dick and Jane, etc.)
Fake people? Where are you NOT going to have them? LA people are stereotypically superficial, and its true for some and completely false for others. It just depends.
Gays, Lesbians, etc? Yep.

So traffic can be a bitch. The 405, the 110, the 710. It's frustrating, but… whatever.

There are no seasons. Always between 60 and 80. Any higher, freak heat wave. Any lower, it must be raining, which happens maybe 5 times a year.

BEACHES. They’re beautiful. If you’re lucky enough to visit LA, spend a day at a beach. Hermosa, Redondo, Torrance, RAT, wherever.

Various other good features: nice shopping, nice houses, nice suburbs, UCLA and USC, In N’ Out.

And bad things: smog, litter, high-ish crime rate, too many illegal aliens, run-down areas, streets that need repair.

Yeah, I live in Los Angeles. Palos Verdes.


by lisa. October 12, 2006

325πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

The second largest city in America (NYC is number 1). A city where you will always find something to do worthwhile. It has nice weather with much cultural diversity but LA has its reputation for smoggy air, traffic, crime and it's a very sprawled-out city.

Despite its flaws, I wouldn't mind moving there eventually. I despise the lame city I live in called Portland.

by Kyle February 27, 2005

112πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

A city that is constantly being unfairly criticized and isn't even given a chance. One might actually enjoy what this city has to offer if they so much as have the decency to let go of those annoying and ridiculous stereotypes.

It's a city that many don't understand and that's what's to love about LA. You never know what to expect and anything is possible. It's a place that breaks all the rules to what an actual city is. It is not a collection of suburbs. It is a car dependent city but has a decent metro system and continues to grow as we speak. It is one of the most fascinating cities in the US as it's one of the most ethnically diverse cities in this country, second only to New York City. Research will tell you that. It is also the second wealthiest city in this country, behind New York City. Research will tell you that. Los Angeles County has the highest number of millionaires in this country. Research will tell you that. It has the most diverse geographic landscape of any city in the US because it has the mountains, beaches, and deserts in one area and is all accessible in one day by car. It is not beautiful in terms of architecture but in terms of natural beauty, it is indeed very beautiful. It is a city of extremes, from the multi-million dollar mansions of Bel-Air/Holmby Hills to the poor and homeless district Skid Row. Research will show you that Beverly Hills is not part of Los Angeles, the city nor is Compton. Research will tell you that it is the third safest big city in the US, behind New York City and San Jose. Shall I go on?

The point is, I bet many of you haven't been to LA since the past 5 years and you're basing your opinions on experiences that happened in 2001. No one wants to let go of the damn stereotypes and negative attitudes. Your perceptions of this fantastic city is just out-of-line and ignorant, so much so that it needs to be refuted. Despite all of this animosity, I stand firm on my opinion that LA is one of the most interesting, cultured, hip, trendy, and influential cities in the world. Like it or not. I'll continue to enjoy this great place in which I call home and I think I, a native Angeleno, would understand this city far more than one who ignorantly believes what they want to believe and or what they see through their television screen. Just shows you how powerful and far-reaching Hollywood's influence is on peoples' brains...if they even have a brains.

Los Angeles is one of the best cities in the world because it deviates from the norm and continues to fascinate and intrigue.

by socalivy December 5, 2006

56πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

Mexico, but smaller.

Guy: My school is 75% Mexican

PenPal: You live in Mexico?

Guy: Yeah , but its called Los Angeles.

by teriyaki chicken February 24, 2008

57πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Los Angeles

A city where everyone is praying for everyone else to suffer and fail. Any time something bad happens to you there, no one will help, but there will be no shortage of people to smirk at you, not realizing that while they're distracted by doing it, they're only about five seconds away from walking into an open man-hole themselves. A city filled with embittered non-white racists whose only pleasure comes from tormenting the pathetically passive (yet still more productive)white population, but who can only use this to forget their own misery for mere moments. The Randy Newman song "I Love L.A.", if you actually listen to it, has lines in it like "...look at that homeless guy, he's screaming' to himself..." That's the real L.A. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Los Angeles political correctnessLos Angeles hypocrisy Los Angeles N.I.M.B.Y.Los Angeles racist MexicansLos Angeles shallownessLos Angeles sadismLos Angeles cynicismLos Angeles lazinessLos Angeles more fat people than you'd thinkLos Angeles left-wing sell-outsLos Angeles vote compassionately, live selfishlyLos Angeles The Pit of DespairLos Angeles You are not missing out on ANYTHINGLos Angeles The stereotypes are TRUE

by EscapefrmLA March 13, 2012

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž