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You can’t explain it....but all you know is; you will never be the same. It’s a beautiful feeling; you can’t imagine life without them...

I Love You ♥️....

by BlueGems September 26, 2020

336👍 74👎


Love is a feeling of indescribable ecstasy that will hit you hard. Love is so much more then the common "butterflies in your stomach" feeling. Love will make your head and your words tumble against each other, as if battling to see what sentence is just right for you to say to that special someone. Love is like that of a fragile glass rose stemming from the sea of forlorn, shining ever so gloriously through the radiance of your love. Love is something special, and can sometimes be held onto for such a long time and you may never wish for it to go. Love is crazy and unexpected and weird, but it's something that you hope to make permanent in the near beyond.

"She's such a gem, I think I've fallen in love with her"

by ImABoy03 April 13, 2017

313👍 79👎


A feeling that goes beyond almost all sense of physicality. To love is to feel such a strong feeling for another that you can understand them in a way few can. Their very existence is a gift and treasure rather they are with you or not. The mere thought of them fills you with a deep hope for both the world and yourself.

Whenever filled with sadness or sorrow the thought of this person will make you smile and remind you of why you are who you are. Even a mere glance at them a simple smile says so much and you will find something new each and every time you get that glimpse. Everything about them is a treasure and inspires you to be the very best you can be to reach for your dreams and your love drives you to believe in them and yourself because this person showed you that they are real.

You can never stop thinking of them, dreaming about them they're all you want but you will wait however long is necessary and let them go if it's best for their happiness. You will want them more than anything but even if that want leaves you consumed with pain eventually this person will turn it to a deep happiness because their existence will always lift you up rather they are there or not.

You feel they are always there with you deep in your heart and no matter how things end they will never be very far from you, this feeling will never fade and will always remain with you. Love is a feeling of hope, inspiration, passion, understanding, happiness and beauty that is truly forever.

In that moment he remembered who he was and by doing so why he loved her so much, why he would always love her.

by Hatari05 November 9, 2018

1544👍 489👎


Love is both the best and worst emotion man possesses. It both brings people together and drives them apart. It can enrich people’s lives or can leave them in misery. It can give someone something to live for and drive people to death. Some say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but many disagree. Love is a dangerous investment, but if it works, it will be the best investment you will ever make. People pay for love, people kill for love, and love can do crazy things to a mind. If you are in love you know it. I am in love and it is the greatest feeling in the world, you are in a good mood all the time. When you are with her you feel happy, when you aren’t you feel empty. You can’t go long periods of time without seeing her or talking to her. You can’t get her out of your mind and you can’t get enough of her laugh. The worst feeling you can feel in love is when you say that you love someone and they don’t say anything back. They won’t tell you anything, if they do or do not love you back. But you keep loving her in hopes that she will one day tell you the same back.

I love you with all of my heart, and you know exactly who you are, I love the sound of your voice and your cute laugh.

by The Kinkionary October 27, 2006

51👍 14👎


Love is being okay with being friendzoned, because the pain of not talking to him is more than that of knowing he doesn't even like you. It is keeping your romantic thoughts to yourself, because you don't want to make him feel guilty for friendzoning you. It is knowing you'll never be together, but not getting over him, because you'd rather stay in love with him and talk to him everyday, than spending even one day without talking to him. It is feeling empathy when you never had in your life. It is actually caring about what he thinks about you, because you trust his judgement. It is making yourself a better person, because he inspires you to. just by being him. It is letting down your defenses, knowing he won't intentionally hurt you. It is wanting to tell him everything that goes on. It is always checking to see if he messaged you, even though you know the likelihood of that is low.

Fine, I admit I love him!

by EmiLogic February 20, 2017

63👍 19👎


We think about it, sing about it, dream about it,lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it; we search for it; when we discover it; we don't know what to do with it; when we have it; we fear losing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, impossible to live without

in love with the sound of her own voice.

by sayshaina August 11, 2005

1385👍 515👎


Giving someone a gun, letting them point it at your heart, and trusting them not to shoot...

"I'm trusting him not to shoot our love, I hope my trust is in the right person..."

by lil bubs January 21, 2018

1👍 3👎