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Luxurious Avery

1. A football player named Avery who broke his pinky knuckle

2. Where a guy uses caviar as lube while wearing a fancy velvet robe

Hey man I treated myself with a luxurious Avery last night while the wife was asleep

by It’s the lesbians, run! June 20, 2020

Luxury beliefs

Ideas and opinions that confer status and the upper class, while taking a toll on the lower class.

"Luxury beliefs are the new powdered wig."

by GhostlySwan August 5, 2020

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military luxury

A way of saying there is little to no luxury, like most military vehicles have.

It's no where near as luxurious as a Mercedes, but it will get you from point A to point B, and it is better than walking. Mostly relates to vehicles.

Person 1:"The seats on your car are uncomfortable, and don't have any padding. The AC and the Heater do not work. It Rides very rough and it is very confined and dark in here."
Person 2:"hey that's military luxury for you."

by I do stuff sometimes March 17, 2014

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Team Luxury

A group of girls brought together by an anon on a website called Tumblr. Luxury is named after a fanfiction called Bleeding is a Luxury written by a fellow tumblr blogger named Kaitlyn who is also the "mama bear" of the luxury girls. Bleeding is a Luxury is based off of Callie and Arizona AKA Calzona from ABC's hit tv show, Grey's Anatomy. Theses girls all fangirl over things they love, have the most weirdest conversations and are all funny bitches. They're basically indescribable, and they don't take applications for admission. They are one big family.

Kaitlyn, Lanni, Nemo, Lea, Nikki, Alexa, Bekah, Fabiola, and Maddy are all of what makes up Team Luxury.

by fellowblogger November 26, 2011

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Luxurious Raeleah

The inverse version of a luxurious Avery (a guy beating off with caviar while wearing a silk robe) but the girl is fingering herself using a very expensive olive oil while wearing a light lavender hoodie

Ohhhh girrrrl that luxurious Raeleah I gave myself last night was sooooo gooood

by It’s the lesbians, run! June 22, 2020

luxury drinking

the ability to drink when other responsibilities outweigh ones ability to party, which happens infrequently

nick and his baby and wifey and jobs makes luxury drinking the only kind of drinking

by John conornornornor April 29, 2007

luxury wipe

The wiping of ones arse with one or several baby wipes after defecation. The soft baby wipes are gentle on the sfinkter and have the added bonus of a washing effect, making the user feel fresher than with regular paper. The sensation of luxury feels even more prevalent when the user has diarrhea with a very sore sfinkter or feces that is particular sticky making cleaning with regular paper particularly time consuming. If the user cannot access baby wipes one can improvise by spitting on regular paper. Face wipes used to remove make up will also do nicely.

The other day when I visited Tom and Claire they had prepared curry vindaloo for supper. The stuff went right through me though and within minutes on the toilet gave me a burning ring of fire. The pain was so bad it made my eyes water. Thank fuck they had baby wipes laying on the shelf so at least I could have a luxury wipe.

by Kristian fra Kristiansand June 14, 2011

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