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Graffiti in my car port

The act of pulling out at the point of no return and inadvertently spraying over a ladies vagina or a mans anus. A method often known more commonly as "withdrawal"

Sarah - "Tom dont aim for my face, Graffiti in my car port"
Tom - "Ok"

"dude, was with a game hottie last night but had no rubbers, so I Graffitied in her car port"

by stinky scotsman May 28, 2009

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Dude Where's My Car

Best movie fucking ever, with Ashton Kutcher in it.

Dude, have you seen Dude Where's My Car ? I love that movie so much, I watched it six times this weekend.

by sennaww March 31, 2011

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My car is slow bai

A middle aged fatty always brags about his black Toyota Supra. He always claims that his car is slow by the quote "My car is slow bai" in order to get some other people to reply something like "No, your car is fast". This sentance actualy means "My car is slow, BYE" when smoking his rival. Because he overused this quote and then some other people have started making fun of him imitating him.

A: My car is slow bai.
B: So you drive a Supra

by Mr. Rogger April 4, 2004

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I'm in love with my car

A song written by Roger Taylor from queen.Who locked himself up in a cupboard until his song about having sex with cars
Is allowed

John:it's a bit weird Roger what exactly are you doing with that car
Brian:I'm in love with my car?

by MiniJohnDeacon January 18, 2022

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Get out of my car

A video of a psycho uber driver


by Johnny bob999988885555 March 12, 2021

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Dude where's my car!

an expression of excitement, or shock.

your walking with your buddy and you see a hot girl and you say "dude where's my car!"

by supermix April 2, 2008

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police stole my car

When police hate the law and need a new car. Also can be a parody of Feliz navidad.

Darn! These police just stole my car and drove it all the way to Africa and I can’t be bothered to walk that far. Looks like I won’t be coming home for christmas. Ugh police stole my car.

by Bored teenager December 31, 2020

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