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Magenta Porpoise

the pink/reddish exposed penis of a dog, extending past the foreskin of an erect dog.

Check out the magenta porpoise on Rick's horny doberman!

by Andy December 22, 2004

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Captain Magenta

Hysterical laughter when high.

Captain Magenta is a fictional character, based on the animated puppet adventures of Captain Scarlet. Captain Magenta is Scarlet's camp evil twin brother, who, like Captain Scarlet, is invincible. This does not, however, prevent him from getting hurt. Which he does in abundance.

The appearance of captain magenta in circles of certain stoners can sometimes be a dangerous phenomenon, as the laugh produced by particular stoners is identical to the call of the heroin cult.

(After 5-20 minutes of solid laughter)

Liam: holy shit man, my sides.
Timian: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Si: Captain M to the max.

by CJ September 5, 2004

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Feeling Magenta

A term coined by Blanche Devereaux from the sitcom The Golden Girls. She describes it as so many negative emotions trampling each other that it's hard to know what exactly you're feeling. You're not entirely sad, so not blue. You're not entirely jealous, so not green. You're not entirely afraid, so not yellow. And you're not entirely angry, so not red. It's a mix of all of them, and some can be more present than others. Blanche used magenta to describe a feeling she hates because she dislikes the color magenta.

Dorothy: I was feeling jealous and lonely and God knows what else.
Blanche: Magenta.
Dorothy: Excuse me?
Blanche: Feeling magenta. That's what I call it when I get that way. All kinds of feelings tumbling all over themselves. I hate that feeling! I just hate it! And I hate the color magenta. That's why I named it that.

by countbessie February 28, 2023

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Magenta Carbomb

The act of excreting fecal matter into a woman's vagina.

I was fucking the shit out of my slampiece, and as a climax, I served her up a Magenta Carbomb.

by Stratocaster85 August 3, 2011

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Magenta unicorn

When a man, typically caucasian, is close to cumming and his penis turns a bright red color due to the built up pressure

Babe stick your magenta unicorn in my mouth

by Mrdevilunicorn November 11, 2015

Magenta Wings

Obtained when one has sex in a public place

Ex. Pubic bathroom, park, theatre. Magenta wings

by Wonderland_wonder August 17, 2009

furry magenta

Dat thing which does sit between da bitches
legs yo

...And then my hand got stuck in her
furry magenta.

by Eagle von Ceasel June 11, 2008

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