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manolo blahnik

the iconic sex and the city shoes mr. big proposed to carrie with

manolo blahnik hangisi shoes are so iconic!

by chloelovesshoes April 20, 2022

1👍 1👎


Skinny ass man

“Manolo sexy beast

by unomansezy February 8, 2021


Another name for a dirty person from a banana boat

That nigga Manolo is a dirty peon.

by Jackmeoff June 8, 2022


Fake name

Person 1: "Oh hey that's my friend Manolo!"
Person 2:" No way that's his real name"
Person 1:" Yeah, it's just a nickname his real name is Marin."

by Bimbo bumbar November 16, 2021


Some fatass

Ay man who’s that

Oh that’s Manolo he’s uh different

by Chumster540 July 31, 2022