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A MMORPG where there are 11 "worlds":Galacia,Scandia,Bera,Broa,Windia,Khaini,Bellocan
Mardia,Kradia,Yellonde,and,Dementhos, in these worlds you have different channels where you can go into, some with more people than others.Each world has from 14 to 19 channels.There are many versions of maplestory:JMS,EMS,GMS,MSEA,and KMS.In some versions though, they have different worlds with different names,such as in MSEA,they have a world called Delpinus.
You may play and train on monsters until lvl 10 to become either a:Thief,Magician,Pirate,Bowman,Warrior,and or Beginner.Other classes such as Aran or Cyngus Knights, Have different things.Such as that Cyngus Knights have a max lvl of only 120.These are the first job classes.(not

including Aran and Cyngus Knights)There are 3 more jobs after the first job.Except in EMS where there are only two right now.Once at lvl 30 you get to 2nd job,Lvl 70 for third job, and 120 for fourth job.Maplestory was made by Wizet and published by Nexon on April 29,2003 in South Korea.
Currently Maplestory has an estimated of over one billion players.Over two billion characters, and around one point five billion accounts.So far there is only one lvl 200 beginner right now in JMS.Someday maybe YOU will have a lvl 200 beginner.

I finally got to level 200 as a warrior on Maplestory,WOOT!

by pikadvanced March 2, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


worse than drugs addictive game where you kill monsters, bosses get equips skills ect...

sins are teh ksz0rz

Bob:if its that addictive why do u play maplestory?
xxxaznnaruto1337xxx:because we can and its free

by tacobender January 31, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really addictive Korean game.

It has jobs that are: Rogue, Bowman, Warrior and Magician.

There are FOUR job advancements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th (there are 3 job advancements in some MapleStory versions and 2 in the Europe version)

You can often find cheaters in this game.


omg ppl that guy is kseing meh!!111one report and mass defame!

i want to lvl plz i wan be maplestory pro

by MapleSt0ry October 24, 2007

71๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) consisting of miniature characters that can be designed by cash or in-game currency made by doing various tasks, including hunting and doing errands for NPC's (Non-Playing Characters). One of the safest to play since there is no actual blood or major violence or player-to-player (P2P) revenge/killing modes.

<Meena> Is there a game with cute characters that don't involve blood-spreading killers?
<Newt> Yeah, MapleStory has mini characters you create!

by AThepro August 23, 2007

49๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game that transformed from good to bad.

MapleStory was good, now it is bad.

by Ghostcrawls July 28, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is an MMORPG from Korea designed for 11 year old asian kids who have nothing better to do. The graphic sucks and so is the point of the game. This game is being popularized to rich white kids because most of them are spoiled brats who can buy 32 years worth of nx and waste $500 on some fat internet/game girlfriend. The point of the game is waste 15 hours to gain 10% of experience to gain a level you will have to buy 2x exp nx whore cards to be able to earn enough exp to lvl up. To get rich in the game you will have to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to buy dumb scrolls that fail 99.9% of the time to make weapons stronger by 1 point. 90% of maple players are NX wh0res meaning

-they type like this:

zOMG aZnCha0x99drag0nNarutoSasukeANIMEvi3t did u liek see my friendz0rz he asked for some mesarz lul xD <3.

-they also wouldnt talk to you if you dont have nx.


-they wont help anyone

Newbie: Excuse me, how can I get to Henesys
Nx Wh0re: z0mg Darkn3ssSakuraNARUTOSASUKE0028163 this noob is talking to me.

The most idiotic BS of all is that you can get married in this game. i mean c'mon. Do i need to say anything about that? Kids are getting married in an online game to people they do not know.

This game is really addictive and dumb.

Spoiled NX WH0re in maplestory: Hey mom can I have $300? I need to buy my character Naruto773419204 a new pet.

No life kid: L> PQ EXPERIENCED @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

FAt no life kid looking for a gf in a game: Looking for gf must b lvl 50 with nx must be experienced@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Another fat no life kid: Hey HinaROSe(someanimename)-0.334342 wanna be my gf?

PRo: hey dude you want my account i found life and i wanna quit this game.

by ipwnyourdad April 2, 2008

249๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


Maplestory is a highly addictive game where, initially, 'no life' tweens can hide behind their computer screens and have the life and friends they never had in real life, but in pixels. You can level up by shooting rainbows at mushrooms and snails, marry other pedophiles, and have "friends". You can also build your reputation based on the amount of Nexon you have, how bitchy and annoying you are, and how many pixel boyfriends/girlfriends you can pick up at the same time. Also based on how many opposite (or same) gender pixels want to date your pixel.

Stupid aassssss shit in which 10 year old asian girls (and boys) can pose as 17 year old model/stripper/emo/scene/whatever else is out there via pictures available on google and post them on their fake myspaces to impress the 40 year old pedophiles who then insist on "marrying" their pixels.

Also the reason for the recent stock market crash because of all the 10 year olds spending $300+ of their parents money a week on "NX" to make their pixels "pimped" with gay clothes and shit. If you don't have at least 12+ hours to spend daily on Maplestory you will go through what is called mild to severe "MS Withdrawal".

10 year old: "OMG i hate school I have no friends I wanna go talk to my Maplestory boyfriend and my Maplestory friends."
Normal 10 year old: "What if their 40 year old pedos?"
10 year old: "SHUT UP THEIR REAL TO ME!"

10 year old *steals picture of scene girl from google and posts it on fake myspace*
Maplestory Pedo: "Omg you're so hot lets get married."
10 year old: "Omg i kno im so hot arent i."


10 year old: "Omg i havent played maplestory in 3 hours" *twitches*

by WHATtheEFF? June 19, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž