Source Code


Street name for cocaine

Store Owner: What can I get for you today?
Customer: A credit card, mirror, and a one hunna dollar bill
Store Owner: That is a little unusual what are your plans for tonight?
Customer: I'm going to find a hooker and pray that my flaccid penis works after we go hard on some Marvin

by mrpotatofacelagou July 23, 2014

131đź‘Ť 180đź‘Ž


Marvin’s are the most amazing guys in the world. They are sweet, HILARIOUS, and have a kick-a** personality. Marvin’s are normally very tall with blond hair and act like an animal. His animal instincts will rub off on you. When they fall in love, they are very protective. They don’t care what you look like, or what you sound like, or even if you’re athletic. They like you for your personality. They are amazing and really cool. They will take the breath out of you. When he kisses you, it’s like the problems in the world just melt away. When he talks to you, you thank the lord for bringing him in your life. Marvin’s normally have a big d**k. They are super athletic but don’t like sports. They have horrible parents and are treated very wrong. They have amazing grandparents though. Marvin’s are VERY sexy and are really good at making out. When get a Marvin, KEEP HIM! You will not regret it!!

“Hey did you see that guy over there?”
“Yeah who is that?”
“Well he’s very sexy.
I guess he’s a Marvin!”

by Ilovemyanimal December 1, 2018

45đź‘Ť 55đź‘Ž


This nigga is the shit! He's got a 12Inch Cock and he's great with women. he can be nervous and moody but he's always there for you. he can also be a dick

Girl: Wow he's so sweet. I bet his name is Marvin

by Tay - k November 16, 2017

46đź‘Ť 54đź‘Ž


Marvin is kind,reliable,and trustworthy

Marvin is the kindest guy in the school

by u.like.my.username August 6, 2020

6đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž


The name Marvin means he is a British boy, or what his friends call him. He's usual cares for his friends, family, or anyone that is important to him. Marvin is a calm person, but it all depends on the situation. He's generous and is willing to give anything up. He is nice, friendly, loving, helpful, a genuine person, and funny.

Kid: Woah its marvin!!
Kid2: Omg

by jonahwho February 8, 2020

6đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž


The act of dick slapping or hitting a woman with your penis.

He Marvin'd her accross the face..

by manbearpig1983 April 25, 2009

455đź‘Ť 727đź‘Ž


To be very hungry. Like Starvin Marvin.

Im marvin! Lets go to mcdonalds.

by Smokey651 June 5, 2006

326đź‘Ť 650đź‘Ž