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kind-o the coolest, sweetest person ever. usually swedish or scandinavian and can't sing....

that girl i just met...yeah, she's a mattie. just looking at her makes me want to give her flowers!

by suzannie June 15, 2008

258👍 137👎


A Sexy Ass White Kid Who Attracts All The Girls . Known For Being Great In Bed. Very Atletic And Never Is Ass At Ball

That White Boy Over There Is A Matty . He Has The Whole Package

by Known (: May 7, 2011

248👍 134👎


mattie is kinda the best thing in your life. just sayin. we arent boys! we are awkward.

mattie is mattie

by someonewhoissomeone October 5, 2013

38👍 17👎


BAD ASS BITCH who everyone is jealous of and wants to be

"Hey did you see that brunette who donated $1 million dollars to that charity?"
"Yea! What a Matti"

by bfistrash February 1, 2019

13👍 4👎


she is the most amazing and understanding person who will ever meet or encounter in life. if you have her in your life you must hold on to that friendship because no one values a friendship more than her. she will be distant with the people she doesn’t know or get along with. but she will always be there for the people she cares about. she can be a little harsh sometimes but that’s because she cares too much about you and wants the best for you. having her in your life will definitely make you a better person and you will love her not only for what she is but what you become when you’re around her. If she’s the girl that wants you, you’re the luckiest person alive

oh my god, that girl is such a matti

by miss live happy May 5, 2019

19👍 7👎


She’s is medium height slim and thicc athletic blonde with usually blue eyes. She is kind and tough and can kick it with the boys and chill with her girls. She is strong and stubborn lots of people want to get with her but usually can’t bc she is already taken.

Omg... i wish i was matti.

by The truth honey February 10, 2019


The most beautiful, graceful, and romantic person in existence.

I was so happy when i saw Matty:)

by -Neurotic April 12, 2023