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The postulation that this universe is the only universe because linear time is standing still outside of the universe.

Ie. the universe as a whole is moving at infinite speed outside of itself.

The eternal now theory.

The metaverse is the inverse of the multi-verse theory.

by sandraxine September 8, 2018

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roblox metaverse

Metaverse is a place in roblox 😎😎😎😎 where metaverse champs 😳😳😳😳flamingo youtuber with 9M subs went into metaverse and saw dababy car 😳😳😳😳 star creator metaverse box 😎😎😎😎

iM goNnA GO 1Nto TeH roblox metaverse
yESs qUEen
LesS gOoOooo

by HolyΒ² April 29, 2021

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Metaverse Champions

A roblox Metaverse Event that gets free items and more

Alex: Wanna Play Mobile Legends?
Park: I am busy because of Metaverse Champions

by Hyebun1 May 16, 2021

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All the metaverses (metaphysical dimensions), in existence as whole.

'The multi-metaverse is the sum of all the metaverses, including alternate realities, spiritual realms and dimensions where fiction is reality.'

(Note: The multi-metaverse isn't to be confused with the multiverse. Please read my definition of the multiverse for more information).

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 5, 2022

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An MMO with the RPG stripped out.

There's so much to do in the metaverse, like talk about how we're in the metaverse.

by sonderland November 2, 2022


Where one goes to study and learn about the metaverse

They think they understand the metaverse now they've graduated from the metaversity.

by CyberCog October 27, 2021


When the the metaverse is universally adopted and used by all

Despite the hype from Silicon Valley, we are still along with way from metaversally adopting the new normal.

by CyberCog October 27, 2021